It’s literally in the name. “Protagonist” has the same Greek root as “agony.”
It’s literally in the name. “Protagonist” has the same Greek root as “agony.”
I feel like this explains my fixation with getting 100% achievements in games. Getting that Platinum provides a wonderful sense of closure and completion in games where that might otherwise be hard to come by.
I feel like it’s misinterpreting the case to say he doesn’t serve gay people. If a gay couple had come in for anything but a cake for a gay wedding, they’d have been served. If a straight person had come in to buy a cake for their gay friends’ wedding, they would not have been served.
You wanna practice religion freedom? Go to fucking church. Pray at home. Go to a fucking pot luck, I don’t give a shit. But the moment it infringes on the rights of people (because to the best of my knowledge I thought separation of church and state was kind of a big deal in America. Then again, I guess none of that…
Entirely different standards apply for government representatives acting in official capacity like Kim Davis.
Can’t decide if this is a troll remark. If you actually believe the only reason someone could side with the baker is because they’re anti-LGBT, or if you cannot imagine how someone would see the lawsuit itself as a form of discrimination against people with religious principles, then you need to balance your news diet.
It’s precisely because we’re apparently capable of electing Donald Trumps president that this concerns me. Every ounce of power we give the government, however well-intended and however immediately beneficial, will be at the hands of whatever government we elect in the future. Considering the insanity the American…
Of course they can do it certain ways now. It’s a question of giving them more.
It’s a choice of slippery slopes. If they’d ruled in favor of the couple, then they’re giving the government more power to compel people to act against their principles. Look at the sort of person who can become president now - do you want that sort of person to have more power over us?
Cannot make another one, you say? But what about this game I see here, this “I Am Setsuna,” that claims to be a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger? Perhaps I will fire up this game, and put your claim to the...
(plays “I Am Setsuna” for a joyless few hours) cannot make another one.
I’ve never thought of this, but I imagine it has to do with another element from the article that I’ve never thought of - namely, that each combat had to be painstakingly designed and animated. If your story cutscenes take as long to make as each random encounter, that’s going to cut down on fluff a lot.
Between the time I’ve spent on FTL and the time I’ve spent writing a 70k+ word ongoing fanfic for FTL, I have to say I don’t think I can handle another Subset game. It will consume all there is left of me.
Remember, it doesn’t so much matter what you eat for Denethor’s Grim Dinner, just that you’re really gross about it and get it all over your chin.
I’ve written 71,000 words of FTL fanfiction so far, and still going. FTL a lot.
I think I’ll probably buy this one.
The criticism was pointedly not that there aren’t enough non-white voices, though. One gets the impression that that may have been the point originally, then eazy e noticed that the list actually did include several prominent showings from black women this year and had to retool the complaint.
Wonder Woman was the second example the article provided. Ms. Gadot clearly doesn’t meet the ghost of eazy e’s diversity standard.
Sure, it could have used a picture from Girls’ Trip or Insecure. Would that have better made the point about how far female people have come in media representation? Maybe, maybe not.
Also, still waiting on any examples of Asian, Arab, Native, or Latinx women that made noteworthy contributions this year that you…
How many Asian, Arab, Native, or Latina women were in Girls’ Trip, again?
Cite examples or admit that point was dumb.
You either need to cite the noteworthy shows or movies this year that showcased the stories of Asian, Arab, Native, or Latina women which the article overlooked; or admit that no such shows or movies had much impact this year and that the article made no racial oversight of the kind you’re implying.
I’ve slowly accepted Wonderful Christmastime as an authentic expression of how we are forced to express joy around Christmas regardless of how we actually feel. McCartney simply doesn’t sound like he’s having a wonderful Christmastime at all, very clearly not, but he must repeat it ad nauseam.