Mr. Peanut Butter

I liked that they at least made an attempt at circumventing this in Mass Effect. They acknowledge that flying at a Reaper at FTL would be enough to destroy it, but also that the Reapers manipulated every species into using some variation of their own FTL drives and that these apparently have some unavoidable failsafe

The argument is that this will improve competition, and that markets generally work better in the absence of tough regulation. This might actually be the case in the case of cellular data plans where there is a truly competitive market, but not in the case of home internet where there generally isn’t.

Am I the only one wondering why so many people on this site are bringing up Pai’s Indian ancestry in their criticisms of him? Am I the only one finding that irrelevant to the matter at hand?

I primarily clicked on this article to see reinforcement about what I’ve been saying for years about The Godfather.

The Godfather. Not a bad book, but the Vegas subplot is a ridiculous momentum-killer that’s thankfully cut from the (perfect) film.

Poetry is so integral to Lord of the Rings that this feels like an apt addition. Bizarre, yes...but apt.

For all those who are insisting that Trey and Matt are refusing to take Trump on: the show has equated his immigration stance with “fuck ‘em all to death”and that he was elected by a base that cheered that message on, insisted that his base are idiots who were brainwashed by nostalgia, that he’s a stooge who is easily

Point of order: in this rendition of It, the kids encounter the cosmic horror in the deceptively idyllic Maine of 1989, not the 50s. Presumably they’re adults in modern times.

That would actually be a better tagline for It than the 9/11 movie.

If ABC News spent a week reporting how companies across the country, in order to avoid buying and using expensive yeast, were instead using a chemical called “Bicarbonate” that helped them cut corners by filling baked goods with toxic gas, the public would panic and next year you wouldn’t be able to find baking soda

Even after the beef was treated, the slice of cheese that you put on your cheeseburger would still have more ammonium hydroxide in it than the pink slime patty. Ammonium hydroxide naturally occurs in every element of a burger.
The fear and disgust you experience when you hear they use ammonia and must therefore be

I’ve taught this segment and BPI’s response in my English classes when we study rhetoric. ABC’s campaign was heavy on scary words and innuendo and extraordinarily light on facts. Yes, McDonald’s, Burger King, et al dropped the product, but not because of safety concerns - it had just gone viral that a product with the

The QTE bosses were crappy, but I for one was thrilled to see my Nemesis come back for one last round.

I have no trouble hand-waving that away as “Sauron forged the One in secret *using a mind-controlled Celebrimbor.*” That was the impression I got from the scene, anyway.