
If I may add one small twist?

I was annoyed at ME Andromeda turning the Quarian arc DLC into a novel. I felt it was a horrible slap to the players. Now, I’m feeling like - if they wanted to do a novel to close out the story arc for DA rather than do a live-service game - I’d be OK with it.

Agreed - having someone ‘drop-in’ to the party and wipe out a carefully planned quest result or being forced into a result because “other players chose it” would ruin the game for me.

I thought I must have misunderstood that aspect. Having companions being ‘taken over’ would be awful

I pre-ordered DA:I. I’ve played through several times. I didn’t realize it HAD multi-player until I read this article...

see, the problem with:

DA2's story was really well done. And had a perfect loophole for anything that needed retconning - Varric made everything up :-)

HA! I was wondering the same thing. I might go over to IMDB and see if there are any links for people from DA/ME moving on. I need a new game/story to play.

If the team at Bioware wanted to change direction and make loot-shoot games, then I wouldn’t mind (I wouldn’t play said games, but who am I to tell someone else how to express creativity?). But I feel like Anthem wasn’t created because Bioware felt a deep desire to change up their style and try something new. I feel

Dragon Age 2 seemed like a concept of a game to me. The pieces were there, it just needed more - game. The characters were great. Some of my favorite companions are in DA2. I didn’t mind the ‘human only’ choice of character (I understood the choice as serving the story, not limiting the player). The story was really

but that’s something Maze and Trixie will have in common - they’ve both been hurt by friends. Maze took her hurt at Linda/Amenadiel and hit out at Trixie (and a bunch of others). Trixie will be less likely to hit out because she has parents who will help her find better ways of dealing with her pain. But I can see

I had the same problem with Dragon Age Origins. There was a space in the audio where a voice could have been - but it was empty. I preferred the later games with voiced protagonists, though I understand why others prefer non-voiced protagonists.

But - we have season 4 now. Maze has a chance to reconcile with Trixie! Just think how much more Maze can grow and change. She’s had a really good story arc so far (more of a story roller-coaster, with her ups and downs...)

HA! I remember my sister calling me up after she finished reading the Dark Tower - she was PISSED at the “ending”. 

Maze has some serious ground to make up with Trixie. Little Human just does not understand the hate from her buddy Maze.

the problem here is ‘hopefully’. I think three directors with three fresh views would be great, but I also think all three should have been working toward a common goal, knowing that some story elements need to be in place early and move in a particular direction in order for the plots to line up in a satisfying

but that means getting up on a Sunday.

still better than the guy who got ‘John Smallberries’ :-)

I’ve found matinees the week after opening night aren’t too crowded. It means avoiding the web for a few days to avoid spoilers, but it isn’t a terrible trade-off for me.

I certainly thought that was the rhino charging then stopping short with an ‘oh, it’s YOU! Hi!’ kind of moment.