
Who on God’s green Earth are you?

I wish I didn’t read this article. I never wanted to know it wasn’t real. My Internet Innocence died on Christmas. Sad trombone.


Who made this and what did they do with the real Capcom? And could they do the same with Konami, please?

Alright time for the questions:


Yeah, you’re right. It is more for the chance. I just rank cosmetic evilness lower on the totem pole than non-cosmetic evilness.

I’ve never bought a lootbox, but isn’t more like “I’ll spend $10 for the chance at looking awesome?”

I would actually be willing to pay some money for specific items, but the spend money for random item is less interesting to me.

I agree, especially since you can get everything through normal gameplay, nothing affects actual gameplay, and events are brought back each year (with old skins even being cheaper). Sure, It’s clearly exploitative, but it’s honestly about the least bad way I can imagine loot boxes being implemented.

How do you define them as evil, though? Overwatch’s loot boxes contain purely cosmetic items.

Honestly, I find Overwatch’s loot boxes to be rather low on my offense scale, precisely because of their new-ish “no duplicates” rule, which means you can’t get duplicate items of any rarity unless you already own all items in said rarity.


Well, first of all because that means there IS a maximum amount of boxes

Lore says Moira’s work is not replicable. Probably because as a geneticist she’s still pouring liquids with test tubes and flasks (without gloves) and leaving them open to contamination. Use a pipette you nonce.

Read that as “Coke-Flavoured” on first glance.

Good god Blizzard, you magnificent bastards, only you would do something like this.

The animation on this game is absolutely breathtaking (no pun intended).