Trump and the President of the Virgin Islands got along so well, they spent the day together:
Trump and the President of the Virgin Islands got along so well, they spent the day together:
“There are worse horror stories, too; people are reporting fights breaking out, lines blocking traffic...” people driving for 40 minutes and then spending an hour in line...
Same thing goes for persuasion.
No idea! But I’m reviewing it for Kotaku and I loved the first so I’ll be able to give you a better answer closer to then.
So- Ni No Kuni is one of my favorite games of all time. (It also had one of the best, albeit most controversial, collector’s editions of all time)
So, seriously, I know we’re 10 months in but how often do the rest of you have one of those “Oh right, Donald Fucking Trump is the President of the United States” moments? It happens to me less often now but still, you know, once or twice a week. The guy they used to make fun of in Bloom County, the guy Ali G screwed…
Talking to video game fans is intimidating? Not sure where they’re coming from.
Imagine if they made that today? Jamie Lee Curtis would wake up addicted to coke and goldschlager, and a body somehow older looking than her own.
Hey Look! A link to the Youtube version of the video!
In Puyo Puyo Tetris, it’s never over until the screen falls down.
*taking notes*
Remove the other people from the subject, and see if it still makes sense.
Mario isn’t a man. He’s a concept, a spirit disconnected from the flow of time in our universe, that re-appears at will, acting upon whatever circumstance he comes upon, before disassociating with our chronology entirely. He removes the cause from the effect.
I can’t wait for Knack 2! The first one was such a solid game; it was refreshing to play a simple platformer again. A genre that’s definitely been ignored for a long time. This game will definitely fill my platforming needs. Maybe another play through of the first game is in order.
I honestly loved Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain and The Taxidermist... but i really disliked (kinda hate) Beyond: Two Souls.
This game is not worth a re-release imo. It was just awful and boring. Everything good about dead rising died with this game. I mean DR1 was even better, check out a comparison.
I think we can all agree that the global, multinational enterprise called the trans-Atlantic slave trade, built on a…
Becky: (noun); a white woman who uses her privilege as a weapon, a ladder or an excuse. Ex: “A random Becky hit me…
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... you know how it goes.
The boots theory of socioeconomic unfairness is wildly true. I’ve spent at least $300 on various pairs of headphones which have all failed in spectacular fashion in the time that I’ve been dying to buy a pair of really well designed headphones which only cost $250 and would have lasted that time period. If you can…