Ape Tit for $400

Yes, only Fox News ever has a typo on a graphic.

Wow, this is really brave journalism. Truly a profile in courage.

It’s ok. My health insurance premiums doubled since the enactment of the ACA. But I know that I’ll get called names if I complain about that.

Trump is supposed to be a fiscal conservative?

What does it say about former pres Obama that used one jet to fly the first lady and family out to Hawaii a few hours before the pres himself? Michelle couldn’t wait to fly with her husband? And this scenario played out a number of times over 8 years.

If you think about it, it’s not much different than burnouts. No point in those either.

Dear Libtard,

Plenty of people dump somebody and then harass them. Like they didn’t get enough satisfaction out of ending the relationship, so they keep coming back hoping to get the reaction and satisfaction they were originally expecting.

Socialism, 100 years of winning!!!

and Hollywood always tells the truth

The problem is that Global Warming, Climate Change, the whole Green movement has basically become a modern dogmatic belief system to replace religion. Like, can we stop debating whether or not it’s happening and start talking about the degree and rate at which things are changing? Rarely do we get any reasoned

Um, no. You can bet your bottom dollar that if the killer was white and the victim was black, that it would have been mentioned.

I bet the article would be different if they spent gobs of money flying trees instead of trying to buy local trees.

What’s dumb is your assessment that your “bomblettes” (sic) are going to somehow free fall, then fly horizontally down into the tunnels to get to the bad guys hiding in them. Why aren’t you involved with military planning?

The entire pupose of bombs is to inflict your will on the enemy. He didn’t invent that.

The first rules of gun safety are indeed to

They’ve effectively erased the events of Prometheus from existence just when I didn’t think they could make me hate that movie more.

If you actually think what this person did was “good” or “right” you need to go sit alone for 20 years until you figure out why it is anything but. We all know BLM is not what it is advertised as. We all know Mike Brown was not a “gentle giant” and Travvon Martin was not an innocent little kid. They are dead

Of course it made you smile, you’re a racist bigot.

Wha?! A new product is going to have new, improved technology that will probably be released in an update once the tech is spread across the entire line-up?! No way? They couldn’t do that!