Ape Tit for $400

If Acosta were a Fox reporter, and he did this to an Obama staffer, this article would be “Republicans nitpick speed of video to deflect from Fox reporter assaulting woman while being disrespectful to the President of the United States.”

Anesthesiologists make a lot more than $190K

Non-existent people can’t be tyrannized.

Just a theory...they built a fire pit out of stones containing large amounts of lead.

You ARE the thing you’re mocking.

Now playing

I agree. This issue should be decided via shots at peoples’ appearences.

“I know I can’t answer your questions, so like, sexual harassment and stuff” is the PERFECT response. (Chef kiss). MUAH!

And somehow the borders established by Spain’s colonial empire are the only legitimate ones forever and ever; regardless of what happened in prior history or since.

These people can fuck off. It’s 2018; you don’t get to play “I didn’t know nicotine was addictive” anymore. Just a money grab.

Muslim takeover is not a fantasy in Iran, which is the country in question.

The US didn’t install Khomeini. 

This is an insane take. People like you are so busy jerking themselves off pretending to #resist an imaginary Handmaid’s Tale that will never happen. Meanwhile, in the Muslim world....

Right. And she wasn’t treated as a #metoo hero for telling the truth, that’s for damned sure.

I’m seeing the words “sexual assault” used to describe “Consensual sex for unhealthy reasons”.

The age power dynamic is very important.

She says she has evidence. You don’t know that she has evidence.

You comments assume he was an abuser. You don’t know that.

But she said she was unfaithful

But are they backing her up? Declaring your support without offering any additional evidence is something any of us could do.