Ape Tit for $400

Banning bump stocks is good, but Trumplestiltskin should have called for that after the Las Vegas shooting. It has nothing to do with this latest shooting.

Again, this comes down to “It means everything in the world if there are any innuendos or suspicions on the topic regarding Trump, it means nothing in the world if Obama has recorded comments indicating secret deals and makes actual policy moves which were favorable to Putin”.

Why did they destroy all of the hard drives, and all of the backup hard drives?

You just can’t understand how this looks to people not hard-core on your team, can you? You just switch the rules back and forth depending on whether we are talking about someone you like or someone you don’t like.

The Clinton Foundation is benign investigated for the exact things you said didn’t happen.

“Obama says one thing”.

We could go back and forth about this 100 times, or you could just say it: You like fucking goats in dirty paddocks because that’s how you get your rocks off.

And another one

It’s fascinating how the responses bear no relationship to the questions.

We could go back and forth about this 100 times, or you could just say it: You only care about collusion with Russian as a weapon against Trump. You don’t care, AT ALL, about anything Obama may have done.

“Don’t brag about your money holdings, derp”

“If you think there is big difference between the average American and hardliner Sunni Islamist, you are kidding yourself.”

You keep saying they are fiat currencies like saying it makes it so.

If it was fake, the simplest thing for the Trump people to do would be to release information that proves it is fake. You let me know why you don’t think they have done that yet.

In other words, you are telling me that we were just swayed by the most successfull political ad campaign in history, by orders of magnitude, and when I ask you to describe those have no idea, and tell me I’ll have to research it.

It literally does. They shut it down because it was a bribery machine; maybe the biggest one modern politics has ever seen, and people were starting to clue into that.

The previous standard was “dismiss shit that Fox makes up without any evidence”. It’s not calvinball, you’re just an idiot.

I will ask you one more time.

Funny how cutting and pasting from RT was cool when Bush was President.

One remark is a better standard of evidence than “hacked the election” has presented for a solid year now.