Ape Tit for $400

But it actually is fake news. That’s the thing...if it annoys you that Trump says it, then you should be twice as annoyed at the people who keep generating it. And it’s not just internet randos. Look to last week, when Sanjay Gupta asked if Trump has heart disease. His doctor (who was also Obama’s doctor), said that

This may be a fair point with the rank-and-file grunts on the salvage operation, but I doubt it applies to the people who put the thing together in the first place.

Also, the Moon is ~238,900 miles from Earth.

Not according to the coroner’s report. But you probably know better.

“Here, buy this thing you don’t understand because I said so” is something I’m pretty fucking sure existed before cryptocurrencies.

Buying scams with paper money is a problem of scams, not of paper money.

Based on the information in this article, you’d never even know that happened. Erased from history. How very Stalinist.

Holy shit. Gizmodo, you’re fucking kidding with this article, right? You make it sound like the reason Assange became famous was the DNC hack. You completely leave out the real reason—-the Manning treason.

Wow. You’re pretty sleazy to post that.

Guy who starts throwing “cunt” around when he doesn’t like an argument calls someone juvenile.

Days later and still no response about what you like about trump. Because you can’t think of something that isn’t bigoted. Figures.

False. CNN is now a fake news factory.

Thank you

This is an incredible mischarecterization  

He didn’t say the things he’s constantly accused of saying.

How about Jim Acosta’s clown show? Pretending that staff shourting to reporters that a press conference is over (which I have seen 500000 times) is something which he’s never seen in America? Fuck off.

At worst, that makes Fox a balance for decades of unopposed bias for the other side.

There are people sitting in jail at this moment for doing what she did, on a much smaller scale.

Fox gets called out for bias in excess proportion to the bias they actually have (their opinion shows are sold as opinion shows, contrary to other networks selling opinion cheerleaders as “news reporters”).

Is that post productive?