Ape Tit for $400

“It is the government’s job, stated in the Constitution, to create money, regulate its value (by periodically destroying it), and so on. In other words, they, and they alone, get to say what money is in the good old USA. Therefore, Bitcoin is not money.”

It is impossible to counterfeit bitcoin. I won’t get into the whole explanation, but the bottom line is that the network would immediately recognize it as a fake. It has to do with the nature of how the bitcoin blockchain is created, which is through solving mathematical puzzles. You can’t just say you did it; you

“If you had a wallet, someone could steal it!”

But you can’t actually use your bitcoin unless you plug that usb into a computer... at which point a hacker can steal your non FDIC protected funds

Why the hell is everyone talking like our “normal” money is printed on nuclear-bomb-proof paper? Yes, there are things which could happen to your stored bitcoins, which could also happen to anything else.

Bitcoin is “backed up” in the way you seem to mean by it’s code and inherent properties. There are rules for how it is produced, how often, who gets it, etc. No one can single-handedly change those. If enough of the network gets behind a change that many people don’t support, a fork can occur, splitting everyone

Until you lose your USB stick. That’s just as stupid as keeping all your money in your house because you don’t trust banks.

I keep hearing “backed by” in a way that doesn’t explained what “backed by” means and why that is superior to Bitcoin’s validity.

This can be done if someone controls 51% of the processing power of the Bitcoin network, which is by far the most powerful computing network in the world.

“Like it or not, currencies have to have central authorities to back them up. “

These arguments about Mt Gox-like situations aren’t wrong per se, but they are very out of date. If you don’t know that there is a much wider range of options to permanently protect yourself from that scenario, than you are speaking about Bitcoin without really knowing even the basics.

No, it’s not. It lacks the backing of any government and the acceptance of society.

There’s no way to secure your Bitcoins, if you’re dumb enough to have any. There’s nothing to stop whoever maintains your Bitcoin ‘wallet’ from stealing all your Bitcoins, something that’s happened several times, and not just with Bitcoin, but with several different crypto-currencies. There are real laws that are

I understand your points. But it’s important to understand that this is not what happened. This is not what it’s about. This is not what Trump did. What you’ve outlined is a separate issue.

Right. This article’s “Well who knows!” attitude to the question of Warren’s ancestry is playing it real coy. All signs point to her NOT being what she claimed to be when it was convenient.

You treat the question of whether Warren is a fake Native American as if it’s just “Eh, whatever”, but it’s the key to the whole thing. Calling her Pocahontas is mocking her (alleged) LYING about being Cherokee, not BEING one. Granted, the correct term for Warren is “Fauxcahontas”.

NC has problems because our gas tax is higher than that all the neighboring states, so people who travel through frequently know to fill up north of us and then again south of us.

If I were one of the people in charge of roads, I would be praying that self-driving cars arrive ASAP, so that we could really pack them in at high speeds. Once we hit a saturation point where it’s feasible to dedicate a lane to autopilot, you could have cars going 100mph with no problems.

But I thought thirty years of tax cuts would increase revenue.

I’m not a “Trump supporter”. I’m just tired of seeing people go to 11 about him when they’re perfectly ok with making excuses for their own team doing it. If you didn’t say anything about it when it was Team Blue, you can STFU now.