Ape Tit for $400

“EVERY scientist out there is saying the hurricane season is worse because of warmer waters, climate change etc,”

Clearly we shouldn’t have hurricanes at all, since Obama’s EPA spent the last 8 years eliminating them. Damnit, they should have locked up the “hurricanes ON” switch before Trump took office!

How many gawker-verse headlines have gleefully used the term “white” as a perjorative in the past year alone?

Your mom lives in a shitty country

A hurricane exists? It must be global warming, because hurricanes didn’t exist before.

I saw the picture and assumed he was a new solo-spinoff artist from a boy band.

No U

Scienced the shit out of it

“Well, that’s damning evidence if I’ve ever heard any”

See. This is what I’m talking about. You want to wear the halo of “facts”, but you’re just erasing inconvenient history. And you’re going to do it again when the dire predictions of 2017 haven’t happened in 2030.

I’m not playing this game of make believe. Anyone teenaged or over in the 90s can tell you “everyone agreed” that The number of hurricanes hitting the US was supposed to go way up. All of the articles, all of the protests, all of the talking heads said so.

“You seem to think “science” speaks with one voice or something?”

Way to miss the point. I’m speaking out in favor of examining data instead of lying about what you said to suit your current needs and make yourself look right when you were actually wrong.

“So you have a problem with scientists changing their hypothesis as new information becomes available?”

I’m sorry, but this just isn’t true. I can’t say for sure what “science predicted”, but I do know that global warming activists used to insist that we were about to face a huge increase in hurricanes hitting the USA. The opposite happened, and now they are saying “Yeah we called that.”

Does that chart account for the fact that we see ALL hurricanes today, when in “the old days” they wouldn’t have been aware of many storms which never made landfall?

You totally misunderstand my point. I was agreeing that it’s bullshit to start shouting “this is global warming!”, as many are because it suits them to do so. I didn’t say don’t learn what you can learn about it.

Yes, science is real.

Typhoons are a new thing, or have they always been around?

Despite what they are pretending now, the prediction made was that there would be more hurricanes than ever. I heard it for years.