Ape Tit for $400

That’s not how it works. The “Women earn less” trope has been debunked again and again by #Science!, as it is not from apples-to-apples comparisons, it simply divides income by population without comparing jobs worked. If you keep repeating this fake story, you are a math DENIER.

So when she was talking about buying a Lamborghini, that was CGI? Yes or no?

Louise Mensch assures me you a Russian spy

Yet another person shouting “edited!” who doesn’t mention how, because you don’t know. You just know that your cult requires you to say it.

So you’re calling for the imprisonment of Lerner, Abedin, and Clinton, yes? Because you are motivated by purity and not politics, yes?

Good response. Obviously you can’t prove me wrong or you would’ve tried to do that instead.

Whenever secret recordings have come out supporting a left-wing cause, I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever heard the media fret over whether or not two party consent rules were violated.

“You nailed it. Russia got at least one spy master in the Oval Office to piss on the fucking carpet.”

Explain how they were fake or eat twice the amount of shit yourself.

“Dude, the people behind the planned parenthood videos edited the shit out of those videos and went to jail. Seriously, get your head out of your ass.”

Lie. The unedited videos have always been available in their entirety. If you think the the shortened videos were edited to make the officials look like they were saying something they weren’t, explain how or admit that they weren’t. I eagerly await your answer.

Comey and the FBI confirmed 2 weeks ago that Huma had illegally transferred emails to her (Wiener’s) computer and illegally had him print them.

How about the mental gymnastics where secret recordings and private information being released are awesome when it supports Dem causes, but crimes (Planned Parenthood videos, DNC primary and debate rigging) when it hurts them?

I know some Democratic Almost-Presidents who handled classified info by illegally putting it on a secret server with shit security. It wasn’t in “a fucking hotel”, but it was in “her fucking bathroom”. Does that count?

On a day when people are cheering the Obama pardoning and release of Bradley/Chelsea Manning because he only committed treason under Bush, so that doesn’t count, my giving a fuck is really strained.

Looking forward to you continuing this series with any example that reflects badly on your favorite Democrats

There is no victimhood so great as picking a fight and then playing the victim victimhood

Democrats on Tuesday morning: Comey needs to be fired!

The last president to fire an FBI director was Bill Clinton, not Nixon. That bit of misinformation has been going around a lot this afternoon (not saying you said it was).