Ape Tit for $400

Of course you said of course she tweeted about that.

I guess you’re a denier. They scienced it. Now fall in line. That’s how science works.

The people complaining about the ad could proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with Governor Wallace proclaiming “Segregation forever!”.

GM should have set off incendiary charges as their last execs made it to international airspace.

Funny watching the same people who were all “Yay socialism” when this started now say “What socialism?” when it fails yet again.

Well, they made a pretty good case about recycling. But SCIENCE! didn’t count when they used it, because their outcome didn’t side with the right people politically.

Because SCIENCE! only counts when it’s sold by your political team.

They are older designs because environmentalist have prevented newer ones from being built. The same environmentalists then cite issues inherent in the plants being older to justify opposing them.

Cool. Now pretend it was a fundamentalist Christian sect in Alabama and report on it like you’d report on that.

The criticism about their demographics. I shouldn’t have said “If you are going to”. “If one is going to” might have been less confusing.

In order to make that criticism, isn’t there a very large amount of information missing? Do you know what the applicant pool looked like? Do you know how those interviews went? Do you know what criteria were used to select the people who were hired? Do you have any evidence whatsoever that people were rejected on the

So if he didn’t mean the talent pool, we are to criticize him for not hiring random people who have no relevant skills in order to pad out his “dark skinned employee” numbers?

If it does what you say, I’ll take two.

I’m not sure if I should be glad that you are finally noticing that some of your favorite identity groups think they might benefit from legal gun ownership, or pissed off at your stupid headline which implies that the stereotypical gun owner who lives in your head won’t like this.

Why is Nye a nuclear power denier?

Get. Out. Of. The. Bubble.

Waiting for Gizmodo to run the headline on how Trump has appointed a black female nurse. FINALLY, someone of that unsung class!!!

Is there a reason why I should care about this?

This was really informative guys. Thanks.

He doesn’t have the exact same politics as everyone else in HOllywood. This can not be tolerated.