Mr F

On your 18th birthday, Steve Ballmer drives up to your house in the middle of the night, throws a brick through your window with a blue screen of death rubber-banded to it, and shouts, "LOOKS LIKE WINDOWS HAS CRASHED, MOTHERFUCKER!" He then speeds away.

Apple's not a 'turn things off and on" kind of company. These are the guys that put out an iPod with no buttons on it. You had to use the headphone buttons, or get a different music player.

Sure it turns 20 today, but does it still matt—

That's true. Like I said, he may see works of art he had a hand in, like the new Apple campus, as his contribution. And the Apple stores. You ever take a moment and really look at one of those? They're beautiful. And, like you said, the products and the jobs producing them.

You're absolutely correct. But, Steve would be sick to his stomach if he saw you giving him credit for some of the stuff out there.

I stand corrected.

Same here. Hearing that he's dropped dead tomorrow would make me way sadder than his resignation ever could. At least we've still got him around now.

They seem like they're mocking them at 3:58 with the lower third graphic: "Wozniak: Steve Jobs is the Most Important Person in the World"

Bill did that after moving on to being chairman. I expect Steve to donate to design and art funds. Kind of like Carnegie.

I think Steve's retirement will be a lot like that of Johnny Carson. We will see him every once and a while. A Steve Sighting will be a rare event, clouded in excitement and rarity. But once he's out, he's out. The legacy of his way of thinking will be what guides his successors, who will try their best to do things

It'll be business as usual for a year or two, but we'll see the gradual decline over the course of a number of years. IBM was once the innovative creator of exciting things that Apple is today. Then, people left (it's harder to say who exactly) and things gradually declined. I started thinking about this the other

I would say this isn't just why we need tech auteurs, but auteurs in general. A really bright, talented person put in the center of a project will lead to something amazing. Always.

It has to be simpler than simple. That's what it comes down to. That's what divides a successful product from an unsuccessful product.

I realized why you picked that as your user name. Well played, sir or ma'am.

We can now confirm... At 7:14 PM EST... Jesus Diaz has killed himself.


The idea is that the video is based in reality, but an iPhone like that won't exist today or tomorrow because there are a few kinks that would have to be worked out, and the cost of such a mechanism would have to be cheaper than the $169 shown there.

Just gag yourself with a spoon and cut out the middleman

They're still using Windows 98?