Mr F

Well, to be fair, the ground on this side of the country is more prone to transferring energy. So, an earthquake of equal magnitude here is worse than on the west coast, in that the earthquake on the east coast will travel further. (I learned that from The Weather Channel!)

Listen, you can be obnoxious about it, or be realistic. I said Best Buy because most people buy computers from places like that.

It would be really cool to try and communicate with one of those apes, but what if you did that for a while and the ape got sick of you? Like the ape just disliked you as a person? That'd feel shitty to be rejected by an ape


I thought the same thing. It looks like it is in the process ofmfalling off a cliff, but once it's at less than 30%, it'll have fallen.

Look at Michael Dell, trying to stay relevant by pissing people off. He's just like Donald Trump

My thoughts exactly. HP is in a far better position than Dell, and is trying to improve, while Dell sits around with their thumbs up their asses. Meanwhile, the guy who hasn't been relevant since 2006 is throwing spitballs.

It's not a real Mac vs PC argument until we all get violently offensive and hyperbolic towards one another, so FUCK ALL Y'ALL!! If you use a PC, YOU ARE HITLER

In terms of dollars, no. It's just sad that he cared so little about the finished product. He played his business cards well, though.

I can't believe this erupted into a good ol' fashioned Mac vs. PC debate, but okay, let's go...

Idiots. All of them. Any time a group of people like those running HP get their hands on something brilliant and ingenious, they manage to fuck it up somehow. It makes you wonder if they want HP to fail.

Thats the problem with Microsoft. They don't care. They don't have to care. As Steve Jobs once put it, "They just have no taste."

The English language is all about argumentium ad populum. Go to Best Buy. Say you want a computer. They'll ask if you want a Mac or a PC. Just by hearing and comprehending the question, you become part of the "we" who agree.

They're switching from the Apple strategy to the Microsoft strategy. Understood. The thing is, that strategy requires a much smaller commitment from their part, and shows they seem to have very little faith in WebOS. Plus, they were championing the TouchPad as a piece of hardware in a huge marketing campaign that is

Well, for $99, hell, I may as well play with it.

Now playing

Hewlett-Packard? They're having a FIRE SALE?!


To your first point: we all agreed to call Windows-based computers PCs years ago. It bothered me at first, too, but I got over it.

That was really interesting. Thanks for posting that video. Now I gained something from coming to this page.