Mr F

It ended up being a headache for me. I kept getting weird error messages and it decided not to finish the first time I tried. Once it did finish, though, it's been mostly smooth sailing since.

But, hey, why do we need to add to log in? Why doesn't it just assume it should be there if it doesn't see a server at the end of a login, as does Google?

I've had similar weird issues for a while. One thing I'd check is your Mail settings on your IOS devices — make sure it is told to send mail from If your devices are aware of more than one, make sure you aren't accidentally choosing the wrong "from" address when you send mail from them. Also check the

I imagine the exchange being like when Dwight had his ID photo taken on The Office:

Agree completely. My contract expires in February, and I'm very tempted to not wait for the 5 and upgrade early just so I can use reminders with voice control. Checking appointments in the car, easily setting up and texting people about them — this is what I've been waiting for ever since we were first promised voice

Do people actually work out?

"Can I talk to my phone in the movies?

Because we want these things to be just a few notices below robots. We don't want to feel like Dwight Schrute. We want it to be elegant. We want to feel almost like we're interacting with another human being, because that's one of our oldest, most natural instincts.

Because you couldn't make anyone give two shits.

Is Apple not still in the game? I'd think they'd do it right.

Fuck HP. They have this brilliant piece of technology on their hands and they want to pull it apart? Fuck 'em.

Apple leaves that off of their desktop computers, where it's common. I'd be surprised if they added it to their phones, where it would just over complicate things.

From what I understand, they checked the prototype's location using its onboard GPS.

Usually discussions like this on the internet turn into angry shouting matches... so... I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now. what if... we kill each other's bosses?

They can when it's not difficult to. WP7, by the time they'd done the massive revision, had a dwindling user base. It was easy to make a change. It'll be hard to change things with Windows, but that's where they have to if they want to reverse the trend of losing users there.

Microsoft has always been really bad at parting with the past. When they want to, they can't, due to their need to keep legacy software support. But, usually, they just refuse to ever shake things up much.

Exactly. What really bothers me, though, is that I fear Jon Rubinstien is being jerked around over there. He's a brilliant guy — I was just watching video from the late 90s where Steve was talking about how much faith he has in him, and how great he is at leading a team to make a great product. A guy like that is

The people at HP are all fucking morons. Leo Apotheker especially. HP is a consumer company. They haven't been at the forefront of innovation in recent years, but absorbing Palm was a start to get them closer to that. Then that jackass essentially throws it all out. Not only is that bad for HP's product lineup, it's

Flash on mobile detracts more than it ads. It is a net detriment. "Useless" is generous.