
Women exist.

Aw, look at you. So proud to be so dumb. 

I’ve asked this before, but is it possible to organize the list by new stories / first in series and those releasing as part of a continuance of a series? It would help to know if I’m diving into the middle of a story or at the beginning of one. 

Eagerly awaiting Network Effect... if you haven’t read the Murderbot series by Martha Wells you are very much missing out.

Excellent article.  Short, important and actionable.  I would like to see more like this on Kinja sites.

A while ago I read a theory that surrounding Filoni with grade-A talent for the Mandalorian to get him used to live action, and eventually hand Star Wars over to him, kinda like Kevin Feige for Marvel.

I was about to explain to you why your argument is wrong and fucked up. Then I read your comment history....

Okay, boomer

Did Sigourney Weaver shoot Avatar in the ‘90s or is she aging backward?

That’s pretty fucking lame.

What’s even worse is when you look back at their plan to have Colin Trevorrow direct Ep 9, but brought Abrams back in when they realized they didn’t have enough time to have the new guy direct the movie and still make their release date. The whole thing was a lack of oversight but also foresight.

The biggest problem with the Sequel Trilogy IMO is its lack of consistent vision. I also don’t want to get into the discussion of which ones were more ruinous, but had Disney decided to stick either with a single director across all three films or at least have someone in the Feige role to keep the directors tonally

I wouldn’t mind if he had a more powerful role creatively, even if I don’t think that everything he does, or has done, is gold. I like most of what he’s done with Star Wars, but not everything. Some things are just too out there for me.

“China forcing censorship of movies? That’s OUR job!”

Maybe we can go back to the 90s depiction of the military as blundering idiots that made everything worse. 

Nothing says “Republican” like government regulation of industry.

When she makes a miraculous recovery, her attempts to have her clone (also Gillan) decommissioned fail and lead to a court-mandated duel to the death.”

This just hurts more every time.