If you were sentenced by a judge as punishment to have a pint of urine thrown in your face would you want it to be warm or cold?
Dear Everyone Involved In This Protest (And Those Cheering It On),
Shut the hell up.
Shut the hell up.
This is Deadspin. Poop is never TMI.
Bank of America destroyed this country in 2008
Add those numbers up and they are about $2.8b, or about 69% (nice) of the INITIAL request for that stupid fucking wall.
My agency, by the way, is on this list (I won’t say much beyond that). And it’s a huge fucking mistake for us to be here. We’ve done a lot of good work over the years, and are one of the agencies who can look at the books year t year and point out that we’ve turned a pretty good profit for ol’ Uncle Sam.
“I Can’t Vibe 55”
More likely that he had his reprehensible beliefs most of his life and then had to eventually concoct a vaguely palatable story for them in 2017.
Notice how above those articles on the left it says “you may also like”? You’re browsing habits combined with trending posts make up what shows up there. Right now of the three I see one is about exploding headphones and another about a google phishing scam. Such liberal propaganda lol.
Notice how above those articles on the left it says “you may also like”? You’re browsing habits combined with…
Implement some fucking pitchforks and torches.
There is no way, that a man who was in his early 50s at the time, didnt have his personal politics set in stone by then. And, as hamno points out, his actions since then are leading in the exact opposite direction of preventing another situation as to what happened to his father.
This would be like if after seeing his parents gunned down in an alley, Bruce Wayne grew up to become a prominent NRA advocate.
They also seem to feel strongly about David Bowie’s package.
Muppets - Muppets are both a group (aka The Muppets) and a category...so Fraggles, Sesame St, Muppets etc.. are all muppets but not necessarily Muppets...if you get my drift.
Question I already know the answer to: Why are both previous and current administrations coupling health care reforms with the insurance companies? I thought the point for both plans was to get more people health care, not health insurance.
Fuck off with your strawman bullshit. No one here is dumb enough to buy it. You can come back when you have the ability to create an actual argument based in reality instead of something you made up.