
The bio tech company stuff is in Borne, Strange Bird, and now Dead Astronauts. Borne is the most straight forward, Dead Astronauts is the most abstract and Strange Bird sits in the middle.

From what I’ve seen on his Twitter, it’s more the Borne, Strange Bird, Dead Astronauts world. 

I don’t disagree with you. The dinosaurs would not survive. But it’s interesting that after all these movies, they’re finally getting to the ending of the original book. Granted those ended up in South America.

I’ve only read the short story collections, but the basics of this one is kind of a twist on the Beauty and the Beast trope of true love breaking a curse. The short stories are pretty easy reading, and worth it if you’re a fan. 

Really excited to see A Grain of Truth get adapted. It was a one my favorite short stories. Especially with Kristofer Hivju.

Hollywoo is truly out of ideas.

Honestly, my favorite Clone Wars episodes were the ones that focused more on the clones and less on the Jedi.

I hate it when they bury this kind of stuff in tie-in materials!

Then we should elect people who will change the law to allow for more transparency.

Okay, if this blog is bad, why are you here?

The fact commenters on here are siding with Amazon instead of government transparency just shows how fucked we are as a society.

Ashley Feinberg (RIP Gawker) used to do this to unsuspecting people with Air Drop, I believe. Mostly Shrek’s penis.

They didn’t bump anyone as far as I know. And I wouldn’t expect them to. The seats my partner and I had were the cheap seats, hence the seat assigned at gate.

Good to know! I’ve heard the wing thing is true and not true. But it’s more cost effective than upgrading tickets or becoming a pilot.

Here’s an easy tip that got me exit row for three flights, including to Hawaii and back:

One thing I always tell people: you’re almost never the first to have a problem. A little bit of research goes a long way.

One thing I’ve started to wonder about with climate change, is the after Christmas seasonal sales. I went to Target and they have swimsuits out and summer fun signage. With winters in the Plains seemingly shifting to later starts and longer (with spring lasting a couple weeks), are retailers gonna have to find a new

One thing I’ve started to wonder about with climate change, is the after Christmas seasonal sales. I went to Target

Flip side is the reports that the studio changed a lot of Johnson’s script. Crait was supposed to be earlier but was considered too much like Hoth from Empire. Ending with the kid was the studio as well. Johnson wanted to end closer to the end of the throne room battle.

Honestly, the way you phrased your argument puts the blame on Lucasfilm and Disney not Johnson. Why didn’t they script or at least outline all three movies? It’s not like Episodes 8 & 9 were a surprise! Especially when down the (metaphorical) hall, Marvel is doing that kind of multi-movie story telling.

I picked it up cheap and it really isn’t bad. What’s weird is the Prequel era stuff is the most fun simply because of all the extra units. Can’t be Anakin? Try a Rebel Commando. Rolling in as a Droideka, popping the shield, and blasting away is goofy fun.