
After Stubbs talks to her, he says that she’s clear and can go through. So the guards who would’ve tested her trusted the head of security and let her go on the boat.

I would also recommend looking into home buying incentives in your community (as they’ll vary a lot). My town has a lot of helpful things for first time buyers, including special loans and grants if you’re willing to buy in developing areas (admittedly no area in my town bad, but some parts aren’t great) and/or live

You can’t hack ‘em! When tech goes down, they won’t! So you replace drones (?) with raptors or T. Rexs or sassy, gunny toting triceratops.

Great minds. This is a fucking bait and switch article.

I feel like we’re all being duped. Talking and texting at the theater is fucked up and rude. But this is just about watching movies at home. That’s completely different. Who gives a shit? If you want to watch a movie and take in all the nuance, watch it by yourself.

*In the Arms of an Angel plays*

Which I will gladly accept! I'm seeing it tomorrow night and am super excited.

It’s a (I dunno slight spoiler, but this is in the marketing) hybrid like the I. Rex. So movie magic to make it scarier!

They did put saddles on dinos in JW. There’s a whole petting zoo thing with kids on lil dinosaurs. It was weird.

I live in a rural state and this is 100% true. These people don’t want welfare or any social safety net, but just try to take away farm subsidies. They all voted for Trump, who is destroying the trade agreements the farmers need (Piss off Canada, great job!), planning on poisoning their water with shitty pipelines,

Ha, my grandpa always used it. I’ve always liked it because it’s unique. Most identifiers like that are pretty dull. But I’ve heard Michigan was/is trying to get away from it??


Ashen has always looked so good. Really interested to see more of the multiplayer.


+1 for Michigander

I never did, but my partner bought me some. It gets her going, so I frankly don’t give a shit about anyone else.

Thank you!

Kevin, buddy, as a now 29 year-old man who weighs 150 on a good day, just accept it. I haven’t had an ounce of fat on me since baby fat. Some days I worry about it, but most days I say fuck it. I can eat 3/4 a large pizza in a sitting and not gain a pound.

Good tip, thanks!

It’s Wong. And he’s the only one that doesn’t chirp insistently. But I’m only on island #2.