Mr. Mastodon Farm


Awesome story. I often wonder if I'd be able to keep my wits about me in a situation like that.

"Nobody takes the train anymore, it's too crowded."

The buses are cheaper, but the NE Regional isn't bad if you book a few weeks ahead (and the tickets are refundable, so there's no risk in doing so). I regularly go DC-NYC for $48 each way. Could do the bus for about half that price, but I think the extra money is worth it for more legroom, a smoother (and more

The price of Breaking Bad, on the other hand, is surprisingly affordable: []

Yeah, and you really don't get the point of this costume.

Yeah, Torrisi is fantastic. Or, rather, has been fantastic—I'm not optimistic about their plans to go upscale.

Well, the rationalizing portion of your brain is well-developed at least.

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe camera shake is in all/random directions, so the data is there from which to reconstruct a clear image in the middle, while motion blur is all in one direction? I dunno.


I'm not a supporter of OWS, but this is a silly argument. People who advocate for decreasing wealth disparity aren't advocating taking money from the rich and throwing it down a hole. They're advocating for a more even distribution—in short, taking some of the money from the rich and giving it to people who are

The servers are definitely used for language processing, because it hits the server even when you ask it for info that exists on the phone (such as "what time is it" or "read my emails."

Um, how exactly would you want a digital assistant to respond to those questions? If I ask for the time, I want it to tell me the time. If I ask where some place is, I want it to show me on a map. Seems like that's exactly what Siri does.

To each his own, but I've been buying white-box batteries on eBay for my T-series Thinkpad for years, and they've worked fine. They start to lose charge after a year or so, but at $30 a pop I can live with that. I'd be pissed if I had to spend $100/year to keep my laptop running.

Haha this is fantastic.

The main thing I can see using for is to switch between open apps. A single swipe would be a lot quicker than double clicking the home button and then tapping on the app you want to switch to. You could also do this with a gesture on the screen, but I can't think of one that wouldn't either be awkward to perform or

Here's what I'd like to see in a next-gen iPhone: 4G, bigger screen, gesture-sensitive home button area (swipe to switch between apps, etc). Maybe a better front-facing camera. If I'm really dreaming, a 3x optical zoom lens (this would take some hardware innovation but if anybody can make that happen, it's Apple).

Eh, that's what I would use if I were searching myself instead of asking Siri.

I can't speak for Mat, but I would have liked a bigger screen and that elongated touch-sensitive home button that was speculated about.

I believe GM means "golden master," not "general market."