Mr. Mastodon Farm

Will this thing have enough juice to decode and output video at a decent resolution?

Some people don't want to roll their own phone OS. Yeah, Android is more configurable, but it would take a bunch of fiddling just to get it to provide a user experience that equals iOS's. Life is too short.


"[A] means to communicate between brains that which is indescribable in words."

"so I threw it on the ground"

Except that most people who are waiting for a jailbreak probably are still sitting on 5.0 because they know better than to update without the green light from the jailbreak devs.

The need for an external app makes this a dealbreaker for me. For $15 I want to be able to tether ALL my devices (iPad, Nook, etc), not just my PC. I wish the jailbreakers would hurry up with an iOS JB for iPad 2 and iPhone 4S so I can go back to using MyWi.

All the avant-garde filmmakers are shooting in trapezoid format nowadays.

Not as funny as the RIM Playbook paid story on the main page. Talk about feeding the mouth that bites you.

Notification Center is still missing a lot of the functionality of LockInfo. No weather on the lock screen, for example.

Well, Apple could break it by changing the way Safari can interact with the Settings app.

Yup. I'm sure it's probably a bad law, but this article is so full of obviously false sky-is-falling assertions like that one that I don't trust it to be right about anything.

The best tsunami defense is a good tsunami offense...

I don't have a Kindle, but my Nook Touch has a kind of matte screen that isn't nearly as prone to smudging as, say, a smartphone screen. I would imagine the Kindle has something similar.

Woman fired for violating workplace rules. Stop the presses!

I have a Nook Simple Touch and I like the device itself, but I HATE HATE HATE the B&N ecosystem and support. The iPhone and iPad apps are lousy (compared to the Kindle apps), syncing between devices is hit-and-miss, and BN makes a lot of customer-unfriendly decisions (randomly pushing to my devices samples of books I

If the tent's a-swingin', don't come a-ringin'!

Me too. Glad to see I'm not the only one.

"I was gonna write a typo-free post, but then I got high..."

I would imagine that Apple already has a special deal in place with Google.