Mr. Mastodon Farm

I don't have this grill, but I do have a Big Green Egg that I can get up to 900+. As others have mentioned, very high temps are great for pizzas and steaks. I usually do pizza at around 700 and steaks as hot as I can get it (at least for the initial sear).

It must be great to be Jesus—every day he sees the greatest thing he's ever seen. He's like the bizarro version of the guy in Office Space (for whom each day is worse than the last).

+1 on Snap. I REALLY miss it when I'm using my XP machine at work. I've tried a few programs that purport to implement it on the XP desktop but all of them had odd quirks that made them more trouble than they were worth.

Only if the sensor rotates along with the lens (which was his point).

Nope, most Americans (like 85%) have health insurance that covers catastrophic illness.

Really, really fantastic. In fact, the individual shots are so pretty that I wish they'd made the movie twice as long and just lingered on each shot longer.

@jje37: I laughed.

@hailmarty: It should be. Singular possessives take an apostrophe-s, even if they end in s. Plural possessives take only an apostrophe.

@BrknPheonix: I doubt that people living longer will *decrease* the amount of medical services they consume over their lifetimes.

@Les Mikesell: To each his own, but I don't find myself extra hungry after walking for 20 min. Most overweight people eat more food than they need to satiate their hunger anyway. That's how they get fat.

@Mark 2000: No matter how much you make, getting $10K to chill out in a museum for a month watching Imax flicks and playing with one of the world's biggest model train sets definitely beats the hell out of working.

@Clixx13: Neither is the date of document stapling.

@JeffPom: Yeah, really sloppy "reporting" here. The article should at least mention that this deal isn't available on the phones that 90%+ of Gizmodo readers probably have.

@PensoTroppo؟: But why just Stradivarius? Was no one else making violins during this period?

@Liam - Spartacus!: I wish the second right-swipe would control brightness rather than volume. The phone already has easily accessible buttons for volume.

@Les Mikesell: In the short term, yes. But even 100 extra calories burned per day (roughly a mile's walking) = 36500 calories per year = 10 pounds of fat per year. After a few years that's the difference between a healthy weight and obesity.

@Les Mikesell: Move out of the 'burbs. I used to live in Chicago and I walked everywhere. Didn't even own a car.

@MifuneT: If the price increase for gas is long-term / permanent, over time people will move closer to where they work.

@Clifton Tarpy: Nope, I gotta agree with Tayen. I have a 1 GB truecrypt volume in my DropBox, and it syncs way too fast to be re-upping the whole volume when I change one file inside.

@ddhboy: No, it assumes that the App Store is a store. Hulu could distribute its content through an HTML5 web site and include as many sign-up links as it wanted. But if it wants to use the App Store, it has to follow Apple's rules. For the reasons pointed out by others, this really isn't unreasonable.