Mr. Mastodon Farm

@HookedOnPwnics: Calling it immoral to use hacked firmware to enjoy homebrew, just because some people use it for piracy, is like calling it immoral to use a frying pan to make eggs because some people use them to beat their husbands to death.

What I'd like is a small red light that blinks when there's a new message. Every other cell phone I've ever owned has had this, and I really miss it on the iPhone.

Um, you don't own his house, so of course you have no moral right to open the door (and are responsible for any damage that results if you do so).

@Janglesatwest: Yeah, I'd get a blood sugar test if I were you. Constant thirst isn't normal and can be a sympton of diabetes or a related condition.

@Quayzar: What, you think Steve Jobs doesn't own a time machine?

I appreciate what Giz is trying to do here, but it's going to backfire. People are going to see these blobby, undefined images and say "THIS is what all the fuss was about?" and go on their merry way, happy to use the backscatter machines because they think those machines have the resolution of these pictures.

@Euclidean: I don't know if he's joking, but I LOLed at his initial comment.

I bought six for my favorite local japanese place, and my only regret is not buying more.

Red Harvest Redemption?

@natedogXVI: If they're selling the couch at a loss (as console manufacturers sometimes sell their hardware), then they'd rather get nothing at all.

@erawsd: "'major' should be 'mayor'." should be "'major' should be 'mayor.'" (The period goes inside the quotation marks.)

@WampaCow: That thing has been "in development" forever now. I'll believe it's not vapor when I can hold one in my hands.

@Norbs: My friend has a theory that 10% of the population will believe anything. I guess this is further confirmation, ha.

Wow. That first pic looks like it could be a screenshot from a new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game.

@Joel Johnson: Classy. Quash dissent with a iron fist—you really ARE learning a lot in China!

@Norbs: I don't know ANYBODY who says Vista is perfect. But Windows 7 is pretty darn nice.

@Lassus: They can have my McRib when they pry it from my cold dead fingers.