Mr. Bigglesworth

Lew Alcindor isn't on the NYS high scorers list? That's an outrage. But I do love me some Bernard Blunt.

@CoolHwhip: I believe that was implied.

@Random ESPN Source: In eastern Contra Costa county in CA they have neighboring high schools, Liberty and Freedom. I heard the new one was going the be called Pursuit of Happiness.

@BulinWallFall: Actually the comment didn't get Concrete Brad banned, it was his asshole response to someone like Chris Kuntz's comment.

Alyssa's boobs > Waxing Off boobs? Discuss

@lecoqsportif: Here's your Pizza and here's ...(zipping noise) ...your Pepperoni.

Which one is the "pretty" one?

Am I the only one who read the headline as Smack to the President? I know that we are trying to cater to the ladies out there but that is just ridiculous.

@Pat Mizak: +1 late nite TV party in college.

All these comments and not one reference to Animal House? For shame, Deadspin.

It would read better it it were Lou Dobbs involved.

@J-No: Nine Innings, Nine Hotdogs, Nine Beers.

That sound you hear in the distance is Paul Lukas getting a boner.