
I mean, how do you let this bother you beyond the first microsecond of shock/surprise? Obviously telekinesis/supernatural mumbo-jumbo doesn't exist, so... My first reaction would be to laugh and ask where the hidden camera is. Or is it that people in the year 2013 still believe in this shit?

Not only are you a little facho, you're really misinformed. Turn off the "news" talk/FNC.

FUCK. YOU. I just paid $0.00 for an antidepressant prescription that would have cost me $850/MONTH if not for the coverage I just got under the ACA. Private insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies make enough fucking profit already. I would rather my taxes and your taxes and Dick and Jane's taxes that are

Wow, just wow. So you think financial skills are really more important than history and social studies in what is supposed to be a participatory, democratic society?! No wonder we have a tea party and our country in the sorry state it's in... There's much more to people than bank accounts. OK, learn some financial

You're a moron. "Big Government??" People fought and died for Social Security, pensions, and any other basic right we still 'enjoy' in this country (albeit on a very weak and limited basis compared to many other more advanced, decent, humane societies). Idiots like you with your "big gubmint" and "because freedom"

I'd rather see kids first have pencils, chalk, textbooks, computers, etc.; and to learn culturally appropriate history, social studies, critical thinking, and to have their interests in science and nature piqued. To learn the power of social cooperation and de-program them a little from rampant American individualism

I like going to minor league baseball games; I think the ads on the outfield wall are quaint. And yea, you have a point about the rest of it. I hate that Giants Stadium finally gave in to corporate naming rights. I guess my big beef is that the NBA seems to have more of the bells and whistles and bad hip-hop and

Wow, aggro much? I wrote the shit in 20 seconds; it's what came off the top of my head. Quite frankly, I didn't give enough of a shit to put profound thought into it or edit/revise it. It's not a fucking thesis. I stand by the spirit, if not the admittedly mediocre letter of it. I still can't stand the gimmicky-ness,


Seattle, huh? Can you say "Made In China?" And that final tweet is fucked up... Things like that and the constant jingoism sure make it hard to be a Yankees fan.


Mantle. Gehrig. Ruth. DiMaggio. Mattingly. Bernie. Jeter. Mariano. Reggie. Take that picture — take this history — and compare it to johnny-come-lately teams that play in hideous stadiums with gimmicks up the wazoo, with hideous uniforms, with no history at all, no mythology, no legends. Folks around the country can


Let me guess... you were born in the 90's?

Ugh. Another example of why the NBA is the league for idiots. Superficial, annoying, and just plain dumb. I mean, what other sport allows for tacky, obnoxious, loud music to be played in the arena *during gameplay*?!? It's like... watching a video game, or SpaceJam or something. No thanks. Give me the roar of the


Not really... just clippers/tattoo needles... I think it's something about the "electronic buzz" of it...

Weird, right? I wonder what it is...