
Online gambling will start up again in the next year or so in some US states. Nevada and New Jersey have already started licensing procedures and California is expected to shortly.

As I sat reading this article, nodding along to the wisdom and brilliance of this young girl, I noticed my lunchtime Subway meal of coke, cookie, and toasted sandwich on my desk.

Seriously? Get off the internets.

I agree completely, what on earth is "cool" about wearing a watch that doesn't tell the bloody time?

iOS is not dominant but iPhone is. Android may be bigger but Apple makes more money and has a far more dominant position in the market in a wider sense. Google doesn't control everything about the phones that carry their OS, but because Apple does just that, they are dominant in some ways.

Finally, someone I can agree with.

You're gonna need a big hospital to hold all of your patients then.

I was just about to write exactly this, but you beat me to it. 99% of British people don't have any tweed, and I'm pretty sure the horrible teeth thing only sprung up because we don't automatically get braces as if they are completely necessary.

To be brutally honest, climate change and global warming are widely accepted facts in the scientific world. The question lies with whether we are to blame for it to some extent. Accelerated global warming is the real debate and, as you say, the data needs time to accumulate before we can judge that well enough, though

Personally, I think one of the best bits about android is that its nothing like iOS. On the flip-side though, one of the reasons why it's awesome is that if you really want to, you can make it look like iOS, or anything at all for that matter.

ah man, Picard copied the iPad so badly! cuz you know he was using touch control and it's metal and sleek and stuff, ah my gad what a copycat.

you can even change your wallpaper! a feature added ONLY 3 years after the launch of the iPhone!

Anyone taken a look at the aforementioned Slashdot thread? The guy going on about how Apple is all about the small market share and that they are more focused on innovation than trying to be the market leader. l0lz. No doubt they still innovate greatly, but the cost is that users have absolutely zero control over

"Skiers were soon carving"

Large foreheads man, never forget the large foreheads. That was the sign of uber hotness.

Though I agree that this is wholly unoriginal and very boring, and that the agencies should really start coming up with new ideas, this looks absolutely nothing at all like Apple's stores. Apple's shop designs are miles ahead of this.


Yep, definitely true. I think part of it is also that most of Europe is used to high prices and so the prices continue to get higher little by little when in the US these prices wouldn't be tolerated. This is again not the whole story as the minimum wage in the US is less than a lot of Europe and unemployment is

Ah thank you, now it makes more sense, that's far more legitimate than the import tax etc. arguments

I don't know enough about that particular situation to comment but I know for a fact that, while the UK market is smaller, the difference in markup between products in the US and UK is considerable.