
Didn't realize a tool was required for "meat manipulation"

@Deckard: Seriously... soooo awkward. HOCK 'N' ROLL, DÜDES

@SBP1: I'm part of that more technical crowd, and I rarely ever need it. I have WiFi most places I go, so it's rarely a problem anyway. The only place that I use both simultaneously is while on speakerphone with a client and using TeamViewer to fix their computer while they watch. Pretty sweet. I only do this

@crazypills77: Without texting, it's $40 for 450 anytime minutes, and $30 for unlimited data, so about $75 out the door.

Looks like mud to me....

@djdare: Haha, sounds to me like you've tried this with regular printer paper?

Hahahaha, the Bob Ross spoof is awesome

The only reason I won't opt out of this is because I like having an extra phonebook to rip in half as a bar trick. I'll take the neighbors' too if they're cool with that...

@MrEvil: Not if the software filtering chooses to ignore it. Software always has the last laugh :-/

@Brightmotor: He does have a point—Android reacts differently to 0- and 90-degree gestures in some apps. The standard scrolling in the API sticks to one axis unless you traverse far off of it. Vertical scrolls will stay exclusively vertical unless you drag .5" or so off the axis.

I can see this working just fine at mah local ski resort

@spectralveil: Something about a butterfly comes to mind here....

Now we won't have to buy a textbook that's 400 fucking dollars. Like.

If you really believed at this point that taco beef is real beef, then I'm afraid you have bigger problems on your hands. It's not like the ingredients have ever been a secret, and your ignorance is kinda your own fault. With all the documentaries that are out these days, I'd be surprised if you didn't have some

Why does this not surprise me that it's in Russia? Is the truck broken down in picture #1 as well?

@Derong Ye: Lick your finger, use about a pound of force, if it's not working, try moving faster. Crystal isn't required, but it's easier.

@NorthernRoamer: Yet there's still this thing we call inertia, and a there's no way that a 75+ lb. unit travelling 22mph on rolling tracks is stopping before a human doing a reverse snow angel.

@NorthernRoamer: Somehow, I'm almost positive a human performing a faceplant will stop faster than a 10hp motor with mandibles of death.

@spyderr0de0: He'll also keep his Ferrari-inspired pretentiousness, apparently