
This sounds like the sort of vanity an inexperienced rider would exhibit. Screw their judgments. Every serious cyclist knows what interval training looks like, and they're not going to judge you as long as you're not annoying the shit out of them by leapfrogging them every 20 seconds.

This is too annoying to do on a stationary trainer—or at least the ones at my gym. The max level isn't high enough to really stress you out, but it's too high to ride slowly comfortably. The only way for me is to use a real bike!

Wait wait wait.... define OLD, please. I got this Thunderbolt display 2 frackin' weeks ago.

So they finally added a maximize button and brought back the launcher from the Performa—Nice!

Conveniently for him, our attention span isn't that great....

You kidding me? Anyone worried about this obviously haven't seen how the Chinese treat their food.

No, but if you do it from inside jail, they'll set you free!

I KNOW. You're better than us through inaction, now shut the f*** up.

Type and hit enter. Close tab and open another. Type "bi" and tell me what you see. If you hit tab, you not only have the search engines that you choose, but nearly ANY site with a search bar. This way, I can tell Chrome which search engines I use by behavior, not by specifically telling it what I want to

Uhhh, that's why you type "you" and it suggests a youtube search, simply by hitting tab. Amazon search? type "ama" and hit tab. Doesn't get ANY better than this, short of telepathy.

I keep hoping it will go back... I haven't seen one person that likes it so far!

Number 3 would be awesome if they could raise the price 30% for iOS-only purchases. Tons of businesses do this—if it costs them more to offer an option a certain way, they charge more for the option. But specifically preventing content providers from doing this is straight-up ornery.

30% seemed a bit high, but not out of the question for a $0.99 cent app. Terminal fees and other overhead, they maintain security of your intellectual property (whether you like it or not), and they hosted your content. They're not doing that here—they're taking a HUGE chunk of the profit and providing even less of

No one seems to be mentioning that a 30% cut is a FUCKING ENORMOUS PIECE OF THE PIE. And for what? What exactly are they doing that warrants such a huge chunk of the revenue?

In my area, you can get it outside of city limits, but not inside of them. Dubyuh tee eff?

You're 100% right on your final thought, which is why I currently and always will refuse to use Apple products. It's not about helping the industry, it's about Apple helping themselves and no one else—including the consumer. I'll stick with products that become tools for me, instead of the other way around. I <3

95% of devices don't use the control feature, because—wouldn't you know—a giant touchscreen is somehow better at providing this function than a set of hard buttons. Sure, charging is nice, but it's definitely not a killer feature that I'm going to commit myself to an entire platform and a set of product-specific

Fuck iOS accessories. This stupid 30-pin dock connector shouldn't have existed in the first place. I have a female 30-pin "fuck you, Apple" cable that hooks to anything with a 3.5mm output, and every time I use it, I wonder why they didn't just do that in the first place.

What's that about size again?

Wooooow... their Youtube feature video looks like it was made in 1996, and it's at an incredible 360P RESOLUTION!