Sound all well and good 'til someone cuts into that gratuitous gap and kills everyone in the train.
Sound all well and good 'til someone cuts into that gratuitous gap and kills everyone in the train.
@spectralveil: My Droooooid doeeeees! CyanogenMod 7 nightlies are out now!
@gthing: So by extension, can we assume that being lazy and being able to easily switch it to sitting position that you'll never use it as a standing desk?
@mangonights: Qualify, please.
Why did the creator use the critic ratings? Not to diminish the work that was done, but critics really don't seem to know shit about some genres of movies. Any silly comedy or violent niche movie always seems to get rated in the teens because it's clearly not marketed to them.
@rick23: FUCK NO it's not.... the sequel is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Not only is it not even a worthy successor, but it severely damaged the original in my mind. AWFUL.
@invictus13: The transplant isn't the problem, the survival rate of pancreatic cancer being 10% at most is the problem.
Sony in the long run? Ouuuuuch... you couldn't have waited a little longer to say that? :-P
Pennies are worthless, and my car doesn't have a place for them. Naturally, we should all stop using them.
@mrm: I wonder how much of that is reaction time... Looks like Watson was first because he could somehow click that stupid thumb button faster!
Bet you a hundred buck that's actually an incandescent bulb hooked up to a flash's capacitor. Takers?
@cycle-ops: Seeeeeriously. I'm guessing these guys don't encounter many logs on their way to McDonald's.
@trs: Amen, brudda. That or a normal downhill.
@Platypus Man: It's not awkward to hold it in a way that makes it lose reception—you hold it like a normal phone and it starts cutting out, you hold it (still normally) with it touching your palm and it drops completely.
@Platypus Man: When you can't use your phone at all without extra hardware, and for once since the beginning of time, Jobs has admitted his mistake and offered a remedy to help. Mind you, this is not fixing the problem, and to this day they haven't actually fixed it... I love the iPhone design, but having to hide it…
@Platypus Man: Was. Not. Minor. By any stretch of the word.
@WanderG: Yup. Similarly, I did an Acid3 test on IE8 yesterday—13 points. Out of 100. After about 30 seconds it jumped up to 20 and stayed, but c'mon!
@Mr. Spontaneous: You wanna know what's more annoying? IE was released in 1995, yet in 20-fucking-11 they still haven't gotten a single version right. I win.
@FritzLaurel: Somehow I'm sure their definition of "compatibility" essentially means that your computer won't catch on fire. They said nothing about it rendering correctly, however...
@sam-a: If you're on Chrome/Ubuntu, why would you EVER even entertain the thought?! That's just sillay.