While anonymous sources claim that she got aggressive during the conversation, USA Today points out that when they asked her about the hacks she told them that she didn't want to talk about it.
You're wrong. The protests have drawn both international and national support for the movement, in the form of governmental task forces and investigations into police violence, not to mention local concessions to holding police more accountable. The protests have also drawn scorn from the international community…
A teenager tripped over one of the protesters on her way to Wet Seal. She nearly spilled her bubble tea. #neveragain.
"It's clear from their actions that these political activists were more concerned about making a political statement and creating a media event than they were about the safety of others, who came to Mall of America for an afternoon of shopping and family entertainment,"
Um, how does a die in or other peaceful protests endanger anyone's safety? What a bunch of horseshit.
You know who didn't spend Thanksgiving with Terry Richardson? Gwyneth Freaking Paltrow. I award this round to Goop.
Rape victims are treated like garbage by the vast majority of police, we just went over this with the Cosby case. What happened to Shia is not okay and I hope he gets connected with whatever supports he needs.
This does not explain Stevie looking through the viewfinder of a camera.
The observation from the Oprah clip bit is ridiculous; the guy can hear, afterall, and when white singer fella steps close, I imagine Stevie simply hears that he's next to him... is that so much of a stretch?
True forgiveness, yes (and the perpetrator might not benefit — they might never find out). I'm talking about forgiveness as a so-called virtue. True forgiveness is really just one form of self-care, and it's not the only way to recover or care for yourself.
You had me until the Michael Sam thing, which seems incredibly out of place. Or just down right homophobic (your choice).
So much guilt here. Must be a white pizza.
Their earlier tweets are pretty corny and tone-deaf. But, to be fair, they say that delivery is 90% of comedy, and DiGiorno doesn't do delivery.
I think we can all agree that the most offensive part of this post was being subjected to the writing skills of Urban Dictionary contributors.