
Damn what’s with the unwarranted shitting on Vin Diesel?

What tough questions? About apps? Or the Superbowl?

um - even thinkprogress thinks CNBC was the one that fucked up here. Not sure how you’re drawing a different conclusion. I mean they actually asked what their favorite “apps” were and if the day after the superbowl should be a holiday. How is it not appropriate to blame CNBC for this?

Where’s my Gilmore Girls at?

Pretty sure that brother is just Ri's voice pitched down. Even better.

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Ugh how is every single media outlet missing the fact that the film submitted was just a crappy video remix of a short by Quentin Jones for NOWNESS:

Are you not allowed to use punctuation in headlines? This was horribly confusing.

I'm not sure how, but you actually managed to be hyperbolic in referring to MORTAL KOMBAT. That was obviously a punch, but you decided to change it to "stab" for clicks. If the motivation for this article is sincere, there are plenty of other examples in that video you could have focused on. How about the "lick the

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All night post production job? I take breaks ever couple of hours, blast this, and do some silly ass dancing around the office.

Wow - not a single one of them noticed Amy Goodman or said a word about #blacklivesmatter. Out of touch, much?

Dredd is a surprisingly excellent movie. Make sure you catch that before it's gone.

This doesn't work - at least not on a mid 2012 non-retina macbook pro.

Actually, I think the real message is "Try harder considering the fact that you work at one of the largest and most well read publications in the world. If you can't figure this shit out you don't deserve to have a job."

No way he stopped on him on purpose? Even though he stepped on him twice?

Is Channing going to be on the next season of Vikings? He's got that accent down.

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Here's a video from one of the demonstrations protesting Navell's arrest while canvassing in September:

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Here's a video that was shot the same day that photo was taken, including the exact moment it was taken:

I thought the Munn thing was old news, what with the Aaron Rodgers thing and all.

Forgiveness definitely isn't something anyone has to do, but I take issue with the idea that forgiveness is primarily for the good of the perpetrator. While a perpetrator will certainly benefit, any true form of forgiveness should be first and foremost for the good of the victim/survivor's recovery.

good old flaticon