Oooorrr don’t let a 6-year-old play M-rated games?
Oooorrr don’t let a 6-year-old play M-rated games?
big if true
”BiggSean66’s tweet resonated with a lot of people because it feels true.”
You might want to see a psychiatrist for that.
"It has nothing to do with the fact that the guy paid a penny, by the way."
Argumentum ad populum. By your (faulty) reasoning, Angry Birds is unquestionably a better game than Metroid Prime because more people have played it.
4chan once again proves it is the King of Original Content.
Stop being dense. Literally every hobby, questionable or not, is meant to scratch an itch in your noggin. Does that mean all hobbies are bad for you? Of fucking course not.
Are you seriously implying that a good game will always sell well?
Please keep these image macros on 4chan where they belong.
Why, so you can bash him for being a "pervert"?
Agreed, it and the Syberia games are incredibly beautiful.