Just another reason I continue to lose faith in mainstream gaming journalism.
Just another reason I continue to lose faith in mainstream gaming journalism.
This whole thread seems a sole fighter fending off an entire army. I mostly agree with your stances, and applaud you for defending them so vigorously.
I think the real question is why people feel it's necessary to whine endlessly (*cough*thisarticle*cough*) when they find out there are people that hate something they like. For the many fruitless attempts to convince someone to hate something they like, the reverse (getting someone to like something they hate) is…
>the people who typically buy Devil May Cry games aren't the target audience
Why do you continue to defend something that is clearly not winning over the hearts of its target audience?
But Steve Jobs wasn't directly responsible for any of that. He's only responsible for overseeing the creation and manufacturing of said iDevices; even then it was APP DEVELOPERS who chose to utilize them as gaming devices, NOT Jobs. Besides, Nintendo beat Apple to the touch-screen punch with the DS.
This is cool and all, but where are the video games?
Me too, man. ;_;
You mean you DIDN'T enjoy the Sam & Max games? HOW CAN YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF???
@Rhapsody: This.
@burninfidels: "Guess a lot of people played it when they were twelve or somesuch."