As someone who actually writes children's books, let me add to your rebuttal: "No. no you could not have done that." There are tens of thousands of unpublished writers for young kids. Write a children's book and submit it to an agent. Hold your breath. I dare you.
I'll be okay. I wear a life jacket.
B. J. Novak — hilarious actor, scribe and co-executive producer behind The Office — has unleashed his first…
How do I know which blood and feces I can play with?
I think he was typing on the Internet. :)
Or a spanking.
this is how I know that, if there is a God, he's an unjust evil being. He gives all the gorgeousness in the world to her, leaving only Starbursts for the rest of us.
Hilarious. The blow job face made me leave the scene for a minute b/c I was like: "Well, now the whole world knows what he looks like when he gets blown." Because no actor just comes up with a different face just for tv.
It remains a mystery beyond me how a citizen of the British Isles wound up with such great teeth.
"Take off your shirt, I want to look at you" is the new "Draw me like one of your French girls"
Lotte Verbeek, also ... (the actress who plays Geilis Duncan). Yes, I agree.. I prefer him with the adorable hobbit bangs.
*Muses* I always thought the string of pearls would be shorter, somehow, in my reading of the book. Plus: they had gold 'roundels' intertwined with the pearls which made them very special and individual (and how —- SPOILER — the necklace is 'recognised' at a later date).
apparently her little wedding suit was inspired by her own grandmother's, who was also a WWII nurse. Sweet!
But pearls look so great on naked boobs though!
Can we all agree that "Take off your shirt, I want to look at you" is the unofficial slogan of this series?
Many of us believe they've already banged. Hard. Repeated. To great success.