
Apparently you’re not familiar with Title K-IX.

Counterpoint: “Look at that blubber fly!”

He was also a media idolmaker, having launched the TV careers of, among others, Tony Kornheiser, Michael Wilbon, Stephen A. Smith

In a related note, the Braves announced that the name of their new stadium will be Guaranteed Loss Field.

Guaranteed Rate Field - Where one way or another, our ARMs will disappoint you!

They just need to hang out in the comments section here, and can earn as much as $8792 a month.

Let’s all hope this is the beginning of a long and bitter rivalry between the city of Montreal and the entire state of Kansas.

That is the least tempting food item I’ve ever heard described. Throw that crap in the toilet and let Liam wipe the rim with his disgusting sock.

He was talking about the people who order it.


Florida officials appointed attorney Jake Schickel to serve as a hearing officer. Schickel, a founding partner of a Jacksonville, Florida law firm, has a bachelor’s degree in political science and law degree from Florida. He is also a past trustee of Florida’s Levin College of Law.

I can see The Onion headline now.

They are good if you make them in the oven. Out of the microwave they are well formed pieces of vomit.

Why do you assume that such framing refers to women that the speaker feels possessive about? Can’t it be that, for example, Obama is asking men to think about the women they care about? When he said, “Trayvon could have been my son,” was that possessive or an act of empathy?

I am so ready for this.

Something subtle and understated, from the Don Cherry collection.

Some would say he is married to one.

Sounds like one of those Accountz Payabo incompetents working under old ass Myron Schabe.

As far as Calvins on Sunday, he is only second to Hobbes for bringing a paper tiger to life.

Good response.