
It’s pretty clear that Izzo doesn’t pay nearly as much as some of the other big-time coaches. How many top-level recruits has he lost where the choice was between MSU and one other place (often Duke)?

But parody is an admirable goal.

A man in a gabardine suit is a spy.

If the bear’s head didn’t emerge in the perfect shape of the cheese poof container, then Looney Tunes have steered me wrong.

He was talking about the Michigan State football player who was assaulted by Green.

My experience with home-schooled kids is pretty much the exact opposite of yours.

Greg can only get in if he’s wearing shorts.

I love the fact that he has 20 distinct suits but only two distinct facial expressions.

That is amazing. And I am absolutely man enough to fill it.

This is great, but I can’t bring myself to give you a star for it.

The same way they’re acting now - “Stick to Sprots!”

It almost looked like Boateng was giving the international sign for “no, I didn’t just commit a foul even though I did”.

Another dynamic which might be in place that could be causing problems is that, because of the way her friends were with her in the past, they feel that she should be there for them now.

Technically, with Ronaldo, Portugal kinda sucks. Without him, they’re not qualifying for anything.

The first part of your 3p-4p segment is probably accurate, but the one quote I saw from Harden regarding Howard’s departure was about as close to “don’t let the door hit you on the way out” as you’ll see.

And all I get is a magazine and an electric bill for my troubles.

You touched on an important point that I thought of, but forgot to mention: the state of the Detroit public school system. It really is abysmal and that is going to be a huge problem going forward. When all of the younger professionals who have moved down into the city get older/married/become parents, they’re not

That’s just crazy talk?

Is Detroit a major city? Not really.

Yeah, I’ve read a few times where people say “I’d rather the money go to a rookie than into a billionaire’s pockets”.