
That's been bugging me since Hardholme. Yeah, sure, I get it that it sounds like an unbelievable story, but enough ppl saw it that the weight of their combined voices might convince some people further south. No idea why they aren't constantly telling anyone who will listen.

That’s true. I know many many guys who are disgusted at the thought, and not only do they not rape unconscious girls, I’ve seen them lock passed out/had too much girls (only) into a designated safe room with bottled water and someone keeps watch on the door at big crazy parties. Many times I've seen this, on three

....did you watch the show and use your ears? He totally did, plenty, just no “cocksuckerrrrr.”

The fewer soldiers you have, the more precious their individual lives. That wasn’t bullshit, it was the exact opposite of bullshit.

Watching Lyanna last night, I had the thought my little daughter would be just as domineering and deadly serious about the well being of her people. She’s a strident little girl, assertive, excellent negotiating skills. (The stridence is natural, but we purposely teach her to be assertive yet respectful, to negotiate

Ooooooooh gawd I feel for the hundreds of joyless bean counters who can’t just enjoy a good show but also need to endlessly speculate about audience number so and hbo profits and show budgets. It reminds me of those people who super desperately want to be a knight in shining armour, so they know all about medieval

But- if one does the opposite merely for the sake of bucking a trope, without having a purpose other than to twist a trope, then one is still a slave to the trope.. It’s much more in the style, the words used, the underlying message that elevates the work. As another poster pointed out, Shakespeare invented zero in

I thought that was the rule in vras dothrak or wherever but not remembering that for bravos.

Yeah! The whole time I was like why fetch your needle if you aren't planning go to use it?

Yeah idk. If I were directing a movie, I'd focus on that and cuddle my daughter at night before bed. And daddy could take over being the home person. Because mommy would be busy changing the cultural landscape to give her a slightly less shitty world to live in. But that's me and I support her des idiom to do what she

Oh my god. 1) standing ovation for going to the FBI. 2) continued ovation for fucking him up! *jumping up and down cackling fiendishly* 3) holy shit that’s one of the more grievous “yeah sorry not sorry can’t do shit, baby cakes” kiss off I’ve ever heard of. We’ve got to do better for each other’s safety. :(

It’s so sick, friend, so sick. It’s like you can’t rape a non virgin? Wtf kind of medieval bullshit is that? I’m all for the creation of a separate force made up of goddamn iron-ovaried badass women to handle rapes and sexual abuse. Just fire the police, my guess is many of them don’t give a shit about rapes because

Agreed. I was raped by a friend who had drugged me and the next day I was so shocked over his betrayal and sick as a dog from being roofied, it didn't occur to me to get one. I just wanted a scalding hot shower forever. I'm sure he's re-offended based on things I've heard through the grapevine.

The way you didn't get raped was excellent though. I'm filing your story away later to tell my daughter when she's bigger. I've also read that singing or telling a story in that kind of situation can repulse the attacker but I've never tried it out. Also it would be hard to come up with something on the spot I

Also, you're doing truly divine work. Keep fighting the good fight. ❤️ It must be very difficult, but you must seem like a guardian angel to the victims.

Thank you. It’s been ten years and a lot of therapy/long term stable relationship since then and I’m alright now. I’ve found the most solace reading the comment threads on stories like these. The worst part of the trauma was the attitude that so many people had that I deserved it. For drinking. I wasn’t even made up a

My rapist was a close friend who spiked someone else’s drink. She gave it to me bc she didn’t like it and I went from 2 beer tipsy to crazy shitfaced in about an hour and the last thing I remember is being in that guys room with several other guys. I woke up in the morning to him sticking it in me and jumped up, ran

Good math ing. I doubt it’s only 1-2 per day in the USA but yes, there’s a population size difference. I can see you’re very invested in... Idk American gun apology and crunching numbers, so you keep on doing that.

I was readzing this article and muttered Attwood to myself... Only to discover husband has never heard that quote! Wth? I failed him... I think we need to get it put on billboards and wear shirts with it on in some kind of coordinated campaign so they alllllll see the quote...

It's not, though. :-/