
Or he dislikes your body wash a lot.

This is why despite not theoretically having a problem with the idea of using my husband’s soap, I’m definitely not using his Irish Spring neon green bar.

Yeah Mrs. C convinced me to stop using so-and-so-for-men products and I don’t ever want to go back. For body wash and shampoo I just use normal Dove moisturizing. No frills, smells like nothing, feels way better. She uses fancier shampoo but we share the body wash. She has also gotten me hooked on fancy face wash,

There’s a tumblr post that is like

He’s not using it to moisturize, though.

yes, because i only date men who smell like hickory smoke and chainsaw fumes

I don’t know. I can understand him saying “kill yourself” in a moment of anger and pain. I understand because my mother, too, was emotionally troubled. I was the youngest (by 17 years) in my family. My older siblings dealt with more bad behavior from our mother than I did - she wd have fits of throwing herself on a

Ya know what? Fuck her. She would have made it easier on her family if she did shoot herself and nobody else, least of all her fucking children.

I suspect this woman has been holding her family hostage in some form or another for many years. I read desperation, not arrogance in his words.

Yeah, like in general that is an awful thing to say to anyone, but in the context of someone threatening to kill you and your children out of spite, I can’t fault him. Honestly, isn’t it what we all think about people who commit murder suicides? Why couldn’t they just kill themselves? I realize she probably didn’t

And considering she had shown signs of mental instability before—which leads me to wonder why he didn’t have her committed or at least try—perhaps he was tired of dealing with her bullshit.

Yeah, fuck the guy whose wife murdered his children just to spite him. He’s probably an asshole and not deserving at all of any sympathy.

I think she made life hell for that family. She probably should of listened to his advice, that sounds so heartless but what she did was evil, she wanted to punish her husband by killing THEIR kids, she did this on his birthday, the same week her daughter was going to get married. There's something so screwed up about

What was asked is why she would be willing to recognize him/legitimize him, what would the advantage be?

But she is the legitimate heir to the throne.

Quick thought...think of Robert Baratheon. Imagine him when he was younger (and less fat)...dude was a total frat bro - drinking and whoring and fighting. Now think of Rhaegar Targareyn - famously good looks, a silver voice known for singing, and a noble demeanor (and I don’t mean he was nobility, I mean, the dude was

I don’t necessarily disagree with your post, but I don’t know why people keep pointing out the “claim” on the Throne.

Only Daenerys really feels like she has a claim at this point, and even then, she’s coming with a huge army and is taking it anyways.

If she went willingly, then why did she need to be rescued? Would they go to those lengths to guarantee an arranged marraige?

Actually, we have no way to know if she was willing or not. But, if she is anything like Arya (which had been alluded too), I doubt it was 100% unwilling.

She absolutely wanted to be with Rhaegar. Robert’s Rebellion was a result of Robert’s arrogance. He could never imagine she’d choose a Targ over him. Thus, she must have been raped and kidnapped.