
Yes, but... There’s no guns in Australia (where I live) and women are killed by their partners at a rate of “only” 1-2 per week. Just saying. It's grim and it still happens but it's not like 1-2 per day kwim?

Nah woulda been at least ‘08. Every time I went to the gym to work off baby fat, beyonce and her mega thighs were on the screen. Loved it, love her, gave me something to work towards. ;)

We don’t need to repeal the second amendment, just read it and do what it says: “...a WELL REGULATED militia...”

I don’t know, but I do know medical marijuana is as old as written words. Ancient Egyptian goddess of wisdom, seshat, was depicted with cannabis over her head, and associated with healing/understanding. Herodotus wrote about vaping pot off of hot stones. It’s been written about innumerable times over the millennia to

I like pot, have for years. I was always a bit iffy on the miraculous qualities of it until I treated my neighbor who was dying of cancer. He’d gone in for surgery and they ended up taking his bladder, there was so much cancer. He wasn’t expecting to come out into a morphine coma and never be able to speak to his wife

There are strains with high cbd/low thc. Someone who loves me grows it for me. I’m high functioning (generally) autistic and it does wonders for my sensory problems, impulse control and appetite/sleep regulation. Since I went on it I’ve gone from being *this close* to being institutionalised/suicidal to being actively

I like this. Me too. If only I didn't have regular work to do...

It is an excellent podcast.

How how how could they possibly think it's not worth it? Is your paper somewhere I can read it? That's important work, necessary work. Please post.

I did it three times in college, ten years ago. No one cared much, though my mom was surprised when I came back from France and told me I had to let someone know when I left the country. I usually came back after a few weeks and I was bright enough to get away with it grades-wise.

And seems obvious she wasn’t merely socialising, hit had turned to close friends in her time of need. They hung out and made her feel pretty and we’re all like “who cares if he’s Jonny Depp?? Oh hell no, no, he can’t treat you that way. Girl, go tomorrow and file for divorce, get yourself a restraining order, hell,

Historically, being a cretin goes along with the gig, with a handful of exceptions. It's not them, must just be the Internet.

As a bi woman married to a man, I agree.

OMG that guy looks exactly like my mischievous cousin Jake. I wouldn’t put it past him to do something like this..... Time to go catch up and see what he's up to...

Please please please please! Would watch the shit out of that.

Someone's been bingeing Bojack Horseman and wants to usher in the new age of Hollywoo.

Oh! Thank you thank you! It's maybe a bit silly but you 100% made my week! :)

Well, both secretions in question are highly valued in the perfume industry and have been for centuries. It’s such a tiny amount, my thought is that it makes a sorbet that has a slight musk/sexy kind of scent, in an unplaceable way. You can still buy musk candy in France, my husband is fond of them though I generally

I count chatrooms, things like yahoo games (lol), icq, message boards. I got Facebook in college when it was just a few universities, for the sole purpose of stalking party people and bragging about being wild myself (hah how times change). It’s profound, the sudden new ways we could connect with depraved strangers, I

Exactly. My older late 30s friends make Seinfeld cracks and I politely try to laugh, but my younger friends watch/have watched the same things I did at their age/now.