
Yes, that’s an option too... Not interested in happy endings, myself, it would ring false in this deeply unhappy GoT universe.

I like the way you think... Something random and faintly ludicrous... Though that might carry the scent of “divine vengeance” and GOT seems to avoid such whiffs....

The book people don’t know anymore. The show has had to go completely off book for this season. Very interesting shift.

No one wants to work for shitty management. It's adorable you think most people have a choice.

You obviously have never had a low level hospitality job. The nastiness can not go back up the chain, or you will not have a job. Ffs.

The same way I felt in my 20s when I discovered Guy Fawkes day and that it’s my bday....

Thank you for reposting. I’m a woman on the spectrum, diagnosed at 30 (average for asd women :/) so my experience is a little different but YES to that guy. Nailed it.

But it really paints a picture of what it's like to be a woman without any angency buffeted around by the men she runs across. God I'm glad I was born in 1984... Great time to be a woman.

And the forgotten Bronte, too... I found her books so dull I'd have to do a Google search to remember the titles...

Don't feel bad. Kids growing up in this world we have will be digital natives, why purposefully retard them like this lady? (Says the person who grew up without tv or video games and was an outcast among her peer group in large part bc I never knew what the hell they were all talking about.) just set firm boundaries

Thanks, I couldn't find it. Bleh.

It’s so so so much worse if you watch the clip of him saying it. The Indian wells douche, I mean. Grinning, confident that the things he’s saying are correct and funny, it’s so smarmy and gross and 100000x worse than just reading it.

I’m sorry you’re going through that. As I was reading, I kept thinking y’all sounded like highschoolers, I was impressed with your diction... Then came to your frenemies ages! Wuuuuut. I know and have known many ladies your age who never matured past the age of 15/16, and it always terrifies me to run across that

Idk, I thought it's like- she has kids who probably have some idea their mom is being shredded by a presidential candidate and that is crossing a line.... But maybe you're right...

I think it's Future Shock that's turning them conservative.

My wedding dress cost about $80... Of materials. And about 35 hours of work I did. Worth it for the Funny Face style wedding dress I wanted.

I get that. I’m the exact opposite.

I have a similar visual processing issue and so does my mom. She has totalled 7 cars I know of. I could never pass the driving test (bc I was so bad at reacting) and it’s probably for the best.
