
Yes, the hitler-nazi thing gets pulled out all too often for empty hyperbole. This particular one is different. Anyone with a working knowledge of Germany’s political, economic, and social environment during the Weimar years (specifically the 30's) can see the multitudes of parallels between then/there and here/now.

Old John of Gaunt really got around... So many bastards...

Sure, I can see that. And exactly 0 millenials were even close to being conceived back then. Yet the people who were around and thought it was all a great idea are the same jerks that rip on Millenials now. And I’m fucking sick of just nodding and smiling blankly when those assholes want to call me and my gen lazy or

Don’t be gross. The boomers walked into the kind of post war economy that meant you could start off pumping gas for Shell oil in college, graduate and work your way up the ladder and become one of the top executives for the whole company. My dad did that. You show me where millenials have even a fraction of that kind

My dad said the same thing, it's craaaaaazy talk from him but I'm glad. Feel the Bern, dad.

Yes yes. 420 is every day in this American kid’s house. I also came of age around the Columbine shooting, which is also that day, and why I know this trivia...lots of little supremacist murderous American shits know April 20 is Hitlers bday, too and celebrate it in nasty ways.

Anyone else notice that April 20 is Hitler’s birthday, an important day for nazis the world over? Gross. I can’t believe this shit, America... Might as well call it Nazi Pride month.

I’m so bored of everything being set in NYC, the unreality of it that you speak to here but just the plain old boredom of it. Truly interesting people and unique experiences *do* exist outside of NYC. It’s just all so “been there, seen that a billion times, yawn.”

That's the best way of putting it I've ever heard.

Same, but it has to be the right guy. Some of them have funks that nauseate me.

If I’m not randomly horny, sniffing my husband is pretty much the best foreplay for me. His scent is both comforting and mad erotic to me. Hard pass on the petting, though.

It was a hoaxy cgi thing that came out a few years ago. Neither actress is in it, very funny wtf though.

I’m a white american living in australia and I get a fair amount of “you don’t seem like a texan,” which is always irritating. Like I should talk like I have a mouth full of chaw or something, and the fact I speak clean, crisp generic North American English is somewhat suspect. People just like to put groups of humans

Idk, white person here and I FUCKING LOVE that Formation panders less to the White gaze than any of her previous work. More please! Go harder, deeper, Bey! She’s putting out messages that people need to hear, packaged in ear worms that get into the brain and soul. I respect that. Get it!

Idk I'm from Texas and live in Oz, I know dink.. But I also habitually collect slang and turns of phrase so I'll show myself out...

I love articles the spawn 10,000 personal stories in the comments. Really. I can’t begin to tell you how much reading comments like these broadens and deepens my concept of femininity. It’s sorta like sitting around Ye Olde Circle of Women and picking up the bits of wisdom and insight thrown down. Ty. It’s important

You steinterrsting and observant. Shame we can’t go people watch at busy cafes and make generalisations and point out cuts.

Well, not really, the barefoot thing is only here but the general fabrics and quality of clothing and grooming thing not so much only in Oz. Even in Paris I was like “Does anyone comb/wash their hair ever?” I know the answer is yes but the hair was just surprisingly bad. I notice weird things I guess. The clothes are

Ever see Ben Stiller’s episode of Extras with Ricky Gervais? I choose to believe it's a documentary.... ;)