Mike Anton

The prodigal juggalette returns.

There has to be a German word for siding with a highlight truther

I have no sympathy for BC because they’re BC.


Sure she wasn’t mad that 3-on-3 Olympic basketball isn’t happening?

Well, his potential wedding speeches have just written themselves.

I have seen Favre’s penis.

A lot of that music came from a good source: his musician father!

I think it was to avoid ending the refrain with “I’m fucked up / homey you fucked up” and flipped it a bit.

Can the DS style guide refer to the reporter as Secondary Daniel Roberts?

I don’t know the exact route, but it has to end in a mini game of SPUD.

Brooooo she's on ICQ. That's the only reason why.

The editorial board suggesting that the NFL players unionize did that for me

This is truly the peanut butter/jelly/American cheese sandwich of emailing.

In roughly 50 career games in Mutant League Hockey, I never reached the end of the third period. Victory through murderous surrender every time.

Of course the NFL wants to trample on a player's entusiams. Entusiams.

Blake’s absolute refusal to make eye contact is his best defense.

Think you missed the “fucking” point, chief.


You taking the shooting database with you?