Mike Anton

Going a step further, seeing as Red Sox owner John Henry now owns Boston's paper of record, The Globe, I think it is something to be concerned about. So too does Deadspin, as seen in this post from last August describing the deal and the possible issues therein…

I'd say it goes a bit deeper than that. The usual social structure shows that if you're good at sports you're also fairly popular, and if you're in a small enough town or school that could weigh in a lot of social influence. It's less about the sporting lives of these kids than the social structure built up around

It is very interesting that, in a piece of journalism dedicated to showing how one man has lobbied and used his money, power, and access to fundamentally shape the media message around his team, the first comment you have is to ask this journalist what he has done as an activist.

No one has ever said that versmailitude would exclude old tycoon dick. Sadly.

"Dick and balls" is specific, while crotch is a general region. This leads me to write a sentence I did not ever want to put together, but, in the name of science...

Her father could only invade a Toledo Mudhend game. Always want the next generation to better your efforts.

Down With Deadspin's Kinja Competition Complex

So who gets to break it to him that Embiid's recruiting failed?

Tina Belcher has suddenly become very interested in this story.

I'll bite.

And to think, all this time, Drew has been The Miz and we never knew it.

May Mean Gene be pelted directly in the face with that oversized soda for eighteen years to come.

No coach can use tactics to create more quality, only to enhance it. That Belgium match was a great benchmark: we have the desire and the athleticism to suceed, but we are sorely lacking in the top-to-botyom class neccesary. After a fairly crazy cycle we have a fairly predictable last four. Why? Because they have the

90's nostalgia continues unabated...

Read the man above: sometimes you need a little disruption. Like your cognitive system does trying to understand what the shit is going on in front of you when you just want to read Grant Wahl, please?

"And, umm, I'm at work right now, don't own any video game consoles."

"Haters gonna hate"

This right here is necessary journalism.

Funnily enough the Aussies are the "Socceroos"

Like most things in life, let's try to keep Don Henley out of this.