
The orphan-crushing machine provides valuable jobs and revenue to our community. Why do you hate job-creators?

We own two EVs and a PHEV. I got the first EV (an eGolf) in 2017, and the second (a Model 3) in 2021. In that time, I’ve had two total service appointments. The eGolf needed a warranty repair on a bad satellite radio antenna, and I had a HomeLink transponder installed on the Model 3. Other than the first episode,

Yup. If they want people to think charging is as easy as getting gas, then make it like getting gas. All these companies are tripping over themselves to make charging the most modern!/hipster!/futuristic! thing you can do when they should be making it as dumb and easy as possible.

People who leave the house with no cards or cash are idiots.  You can’t expect your phone to do everything for you.

I’m really looking forward to picking up my neighbor’s Supra after it gets repo’d.

After he realized his family needed a bigger vehicle, they did something unusual: they traded in both of their vehicles for a Ford Explorer.”

It is still stunning, even by Marine Corps standards, how young and dumb I was.

I’ve done a few stupid things in cars, at least two of which are maybe technically illegal. I don’t recommend them.

I remember you telling this story here a year or two ago and I still think it’s fantastic.

*Googles statute of limitations*

Drove it off the lot.

Not terribly dumb, but was on a trip up to the Catskills with my now wife, then GF and as we were going down a pretty steep road. I put my mom’s Maxima in Neutral to coast on down. Then at the bottom around 45-55 MPH I went to put it back in drive and brain farted and put it in reverse. It promptly turned off and I

I was living in Prague and some friends and I decided to go to Warsaw one weekend. We rented a car, some kind of Skoda, and set off. This was 2009, so GPS was an add-on that our cheap asses decided to forego. Bad move.

Most plastic isn’t recyclable anyway. Even the stuff you dutifully clean and put in the proper bin just gets dumped in a landfill, or shipped off to some other country that will just dump it a landfill over there. At least fabric and paper will degrade. I mean, unless it’s a synthetic fabric that is made out some sort

do you really think that the company selling cringe PVC garbage cares an ounce for the environment? Like, for real?

Over the long run, 99 percent of Funkos are worthless outside of whatever depraved joy fans get from occasionally making eye contact with the ones lining their shelves.

Funko building a whole-ass IPO on what was clearly a fad is just fucking astounding to me.

My mom collects $2 bills. Not because she thinks they’ll increase in value, but because she thinks they’re neat. She also hoards dollar coins.

Weirdly, also $2.

Y’all fell asleep on the sainted Dave Grohl cooking meats for the homeless in L.A.