
Well, no not all of it lol

I did not like Voyager back in the day but it’s aging really well

the service is inexplicably shutting down.

Why not just hitch a ride on the much much much bigger ship where you can also dock your shuttle?

This episode highlights one of Star Trek’s weak points: defining consistent capabilities between different ships. How could it ever be a good idea to pair a runabout with a Galaxy class starship (that has it’s own compliment of shuttles/small craft)?

This movie is at-best going to flail at the box office.  It was conceived at a time when people expected insatiable demand for super hero movies.  Just scrap it.

iPhone doesn’t do smart playlists.

I’ve had two WRXs - each lasting 10+ years. I’m over it now, and not buying another; especially starting at $35K but I’m guessing the model/options I’d choose would come out to $45K when all said and done — at current interest rate levels.   The WRX is not that car IMO.

Speaking of an unfinished product,

Sure I agree with all that. Do what you want.  I was entertained.

I liked this season of Discovery. It was all ridiculous nonsense start to finish but I didn’t care; I jettisoned the cynicism and went for a ride in a comforting familiar sci-fi universe.

Discovery is way better than Picard seasons 1 and 2 (season 3 was almost a completely different show).

There’s just too much stuff in the universe for us to be completely alone.

What technologies will we utilize in 100 years?

Musk could have an important role to play in steering the country.

BTC up a whopping 4% in the last month and yeah ETH just had a spike because of the ETF talk.

Altman is playing straight from Zuckerberg’s playbook: blow smoke up everyone’s ass and tell them what they want to hear, then do whatever he wants anyways.

A lot of us are keen on 25th century. Anyone object to “Commandant O’Brien”?  

Meh on 32nd century.  

Every time I hear a tech bro espouse ‘decentralization’ it usually equates with ‘bullshit’.