
To fully complete Valhalla, you’ll spend around 140 hours pillaging the European countryside as a mighty Viking warrior.

Considering I patched a twin air mattress with duct tape, then floated down a river for an hour on it and it never deflated for months after it...I’d certainly say that should be the first thing to do!

I don’t have any issues with RCS working between carriers on my personal phone (Motorola), but my S20 work phone does seem to have issues - however, I believe that’s because it uses Samsung’s own messenger rather than Google’s.

Oh that already started happening when we had the dip back in summer.

None were particularly bad, but I would have to pick the ‘95 Intrepid as the “worst” considering my dad and I came out of Toys R Us one day and my 5-year-old-self was very excited to see a fun green river coming out from under it.

Meh, I just leave them in the box and shove it in the upper right portion of our fridge where there usually is a pizza-box-sized slot of free space.

Unless the bed is in the foreground, that means one of those guns is pointed directly at the bed.

Nope. Still Heinz.

Yup - I turn them off sometime in early January (it’s nice to have the extra light outside at night when we come home from somewhere), but I leave them up until usually March (or Feb if we get the odd 60+ degree day) because Michigan.

That’s typically how I look at it. What also helps is that I’m able to work on the cars myself, furthering the cost of maintenance/repairs.

Great, so now I can get tailgated even harder by Compasses when I’m already speeding.

How on earth did this end up with practically no body cladding while the WRX has an excessive amount?

The one upside to winter - the entire garage is a second refrigerator. 

Prices/Fee issues aside, one area that we’ve never had an issue regarding Xfinity is internet speeds. They’ve just raised ours again to 400 Mbps (I am pretty sure that when we signed up 8.5 years ago now, it was something like 70 on the same plan) and it consistently beats that.

I mean, he’s so smart and awesome that I’m sure he’ll have no issue running the entirety of Twitter by himself once everyone leaves, right?

Can’t say I’ve really had an issue with the current setup of Android Auto...but I really only use it for Maps and that’s about it.

But I, as a millennial, will surely miss my regular inhaled diet of microplastics.

My in-laws, for god knows what reason, were under the impression they did not need to preheat the oven. They also would turn the oven off 15 minutes early because they were under the impression the food would burn and light on fire if that wasn’t done.

How to create new and interesting curse words, and how to teach those words to an entire subdivision, adults and children alike, by screaming them from your garage/driveway.

I will always defend the Cobalt. I maintain it’s one of the better-looking vehicles ever to leave a General Motors facility, even to this day. It’s a good car.