
My laptop I use (which is old, but that shouldn’t cause the problem) occasionally force-pops-up that giant window just after startup and it won’t go away for probably 15-30 seconds. It’s obnoxious. I like the weather there, but the blurriness is very irritating (even on the 1368x768 resolution).

What, in the actual fuck, is wrong with Texas?

Yeah, I was a little skeptical of the digital fix which just seemed to (at least at first, perhaps there was a second update) wall off more of the battery to prevent it from happening. I don’t think how much of the battery was “used” was really the issue, but perhaps it increased the likelihood of it catching fire.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of a fire it set by itself

Probably Dodge.

Aren’t the Hyundai batteries that were catching fire also made by LG Chem?


I almost always just fully shut down my PS4. The only time it’s left on Rest Mode is to charge the controller when I’m done playing for the night, but depending on what day it is, sometimes it’ll stay on Rest Mode until the next time I play (which, currently, is only weekends) or if we use it for Disney+/Amazon Prime.

The crash happened just past exit 69 for Big Beaver Road, and no, that’s not a joke

Yeah, well, it’s not like work done by pedophiles is warrantable. 

What’s even better: a large scene of this movie was filmed about 15 minutes from house (rural farmland where a subdivision was planned in the movie, I believe - haven’t seen it yet, but going by the signs they put up and where it’s located).

It’s a shame it can’t force the carrier to turn on VoLTE provisioning for my phone that is VoLTE capable but, according to them, isn’t “compatible” with VoLTE.

I always laugh at pretentious assholes who try and put people down for the type of dog food they buy: “Oh, you use dry dog food, well I only use natural, organic raw dog food”, or “Oh, you use regular dry food? Well I only use this really expensive stuff...”

I think that’s what makes it more interesting - we do know everything about it, and thus we can see how everything reacts over time, with that knowledge. 

I can’t say my bowl...ever gets greasy. And I’m pretty sure it’s legitimately never been scrubbed in the over 30 years it has been in use.

Back when commuting was a thing, I would regularly encounter this exact species of Karen and her all-black-I-feel-like-a-cop Explorer Sport.

Interesting, my mom, my wife, my brother and myself are all on an AT&T family plan and we’ve had RCS for a good long while now.

I will say, my buddy’s ‘18 Ram 2500 was damn handy when I bought 45 bags of mulch, though.

Oh, a quick terminology note: the personal luxury car was really a subcategory that straddled two-door sedan and coupé, but I’ll likely call it a coupé because it’s increasingly important to give that word more of its proper usage. It’s just my little way of helping to skew search results for “coupe” to cars that

Why was this necessary?