
Pretty sure FC...err...Stellantis...does the same things with the Ram ProMaster City.

Imports as passenger, converts to cargo.

I just hope with the new updates, Torque Pro will be able to work once more.

Probably not the best way to do it, but like motorcycle helmet laws, it’s pretty obviously necessary because people have clearly proven themselves way to goddamn stupid to decide for themselves (though that law in Michigan was repealed years back and, shocker, motorcycle deaths went up instantaneously).

I will say, when I fucked my back up as a teenager on a hammock (if you spin around on it really fast it will throw you into the hard ground with enough force to knock the wind out of you...and apparently put your spine into an S shape), the chiropractor was what fixed that...but afterwards, they insisted I keep

Whatever simple repair that would prevent a much, much costlier/more involved one down the road.

I always thought it was an absolute blast. Dennis Hopper is...Dennis Hopper...and Yoshi is goddamn adorable.

The platforming and climbing on the first game was terrible, in some sections it was almost impossible to keep yourself from just leaping to your death. But it improved significantly every single game, as did the combat which allowed for more and more stealth options (my preferred method - especially on consoles,

Should be finishing up Chapter 4 (the Western Ghats - the very open area chapter) of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy tonight.

I guess we’re lucky then, on the drive to/from NC to visit my in-laws (we’re in Michigan), the I-Pass works great, since it doubles as an EZ-Pass, but also allows us to visit the rest of my wife’s side of the family in Illinois without issue as well (and there we can just drive through at freeway speed - on I-77 we

Well, I mean, it was really hard to tell my son no when he was trapped overseas.

Boy, that stork went to work quickly!

That’s easy, trucks (F-150, Silverado, Ram). They don’t have expensive engineering or manufacturing, people just pay for the size because they equate size with cost. That’s why the profit margins are so high.

The Jeep Wrangler 392 at$ 70k+. Its a pure cash grab considering the same engine is available in a $32k Ram 2500.

I track all four of our vehicles on Fuelly, so yes and no.

Christ, I haven’t even refilled my two 5-gallon jugs in my garage that I use solely for my lawn equipment.

These assholes just can’t help themselves from needing to micromanage people.

I do prefer platforming on a console, though it’s perfectly manageable on a keyboard and mouse, as well, and comes in majorly beneficial for the shooting segments. But yeah, driving in WD2 was absolutely awful with the keyboard, even with the steering sensitivity turned all the way down. WD1 didn’t have that issue, so

All the more reason that Ben and Erin are the better couple to have associated with HGTV.

I found the driving in WD2 to be significantly worse than WD1. The steering was so goddamn twitchy, it was impossible to drive smoothly.