
At this point, I feel like these people should probably be committed to mental health facilities. should sound like nothing.

That’s about how I felt driving my ‘98 Cavalier, post-subframe replacement, with 3 degrees of toe out at 50mph on a straight, flat road.

Ticks can kindly (or not) fuck off.

Glad I filled my Volt up for the year two months ago!

This reminds me of the “unintended acceleration” Toyotas that were supposedly hitting the brakes on their own. (People were mostly just mixing up their pedals in that case.)

I was in the prison level, so apparently that had already been done.

Since I thankfully finished the absolute trash that was Splinter Cell: Blacklist (the gameplay, not the story - the story was great) earlier in the week (and then uninstalled it after getting infuriated by the it-somehow-got-worse Charlie missions), I am onto Uncharted 4.

I’ve never sold any of my cars.

Elon: “Well, he’s just a pedophile, so who are you going to believe?”

Specifically showing “three” using their pinky, ring and middle finger.

I’m confused how “pleasure” and “Chick-Fil-A” go together.

I have been looking at 65" LG OLEDs ever since they came out to upgrade our 50" Samsung Plasma that I think is from 2007...but I can’t justify it when this thing still works and looks fantastic. My (much) older brother bought this new back then and gave it to me in 2013. It needed a new power board, so one easy swap

Yup, just a passenger sliding door. Both of my parents had Aerostars at one point in time (my mom’s was the passenger version, and my dad’s was a work van), so I greatly remember the driver-side audio controls in the rear seat in my mom’s from my childhood.

Beautiful. It’s almost like their actions have consequences!

Well, this certainly sounds like something I don’t want to play.’s different.

Now playing

I’d say this is definitely up there for one of my favorite Office cold opens.

I’m not sure if they still do, but for the longest time, their website implied that the roof cost the same amount as a new regular shingle roof.

And/or tsunamis?